The Catch

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"Hey kids," Dad said. "We have some news."

"Yeah?" I say.

"Well, because of things... you know what? Zianna, we'll save this for another time. You kiddos should get up to bed." Dad changed his mind.

We all nodded our heads and walked upstairs to our rooms. I sat on my bed, still smiling from our family game night. Vylad came in, sitting on his bed and frowning. I'm kinda of concerned about what dad said he needed to tell us. I'm sure Vylad is too.

I walk over and sit on the end of his bed. "Whats wrong?"

"I'm just worried about what dad had to tell us..." Vylad confessed.

That makes sense. "Oh, I'm sure its not that bad."

"But how do you know?" He asks.

"I just do." I shrug. "Besides, we'll always have each other to get though it , right?"

"Right." He says.

"Okay, I'm gunna go back to my bed now." I hug him and jump back over to my bed.

"Okay, good night."

"Good night!"


"Y/N! Get up!" Vylad shouts in my ear for the fourth time.

"IM GETTING UP!" I groan getting up.

I'm barely on my feet when he grabs my wrist and drags me downstairs. "Jeez, whats going on?"

"DAD'S TELLING US THE NEWS!" Vylad screamed in my ear again.

"OH!" I run downstairs independently wth Vylad tailing me. I can feel my heart pounding. Will the news be good? Or bad? Maybe it's just something like, switching insurance or something boring. I take a deep breath. It'll all be okay.

"Okay kids, now for the news." Dad says, he looks a little off. I don't know what to call the emotion he's wearing on his face. Sad? Not really. Just kinda of... different, I guess.

I glance over at mom, she looks devastated. I've never seen her like this. I don't like it. It's definitely not good news. I sigh, mentally preparing myself. I remember what I told Vylad last night. It can't be that bad. Even if it is, we'll all still have each other to lean on.

"You mother and I..."

"You...?" Garroth says.

"Are getting..." He continues.

"PUPPY?!" Vylad yells.

"Vylad," I say, snapping from the stress. "Stop being a child and listen to what dad has to say. It's obviously important."

"Sorry, Y/N. I'm just trying to be optimistic. Lighten the mood, you know. Lighten the blow, loosen the reigns..." He rambles.

"Shush!" I groan.

Dad shakes his head. "Your mother and I are getting a divorce."

I blink. It doesn't sink in at first. A divorce? No. It's probably all some elaborate joke. My parents can't be getting a divorce. They love each other. Sure, our family is a bit dysfunctional, but aren't all families?

"We're sorry we had to break this to you before school, but the divorce is final as of tomorrow." Mom adds.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" I ask.

They sigh. "We couldn't bring ourselves to do it..."

"But you can do it right before we have to go to school? Why can't you guys just work it out?" I question.

"It's for the best, our family will be happier if we're not together." Mom says.

Vylad blurts our an insensitive question. "Did you two even love each other in the first place?"

I gasp, along with my other brothers. "Vylad!"

"Of course we did, Vylad. Sometimes two people love each other and things just don't work out." Mom tells him, not minding to answer his question. Mom's always been like that, she answers our questions that no one else will.

We're all silent.

"I'll take you guys to school today." Dad says, handing us all a donut.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now