The Shadow Knights

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Laurence, Garroth, and Zane have to drag me away from the Shadow Knights. Zane wasn't much help though. He's not very strong. I don't want to leave, I'm angry. I want to give them a piece of my mind for bullying my brother.

"What is with you?! Are you out of yor mind?!" Garroth yells.

"They were bullying Zane!" I yell back. "You're supposed to defend family!"

"Why'd you go back there in the first place!?" Laurence shouts.

Laurence has always been sort of another big brother to me. We basically grew up together because he and Garroth have been friends since the 3rd grade.

"Zane dragged me!" I yell back.

"Why the heck would you do that Zane?!" Laurence screamed, picking Zane up by the collar. "You know better! They're dangerous!"

"I thought she could help me!" Zane trembled.

"Put Zane down! You're making a scene!" I yell.

"No you're making a scene Y/N!" Garroth yells.

"No! YOU ARE!" I retort.


"WHATEVER!" Laurence yells in his face, putting him down.

Everyone's face is red from all the yelling. The Shadow Knights are behind the bleachers laughing at the chaos they caused.

"NOW THEY'RE LAUGHING?!" I scream, stomp-running over there.

"Y/N STOP IT!" They all yell after me.


They stop laughing. "She's got more claws then Kitty did." The girl whispers to Gene.

I raise my eyebrow. By this time, Garroth, Laurence, and Zane are just watching- too flabbergasted to say anything. Everybody stops yelling, which I'm relieved about. I have a small headache from all of it.

"Calm down, let me properly introduce myself. I'm Gene." Gene says.

I roll my eyes, "I already know."

The girl laughs, "I'm Sasha. Gene, I like her already!"

"Can't say the same about you." I cross my arms.

"You'll be able to soon, I can tell we'll be best friends."

"Sup, I'm Zenix." The other boy says nonchalantly.


"Oh, she can't come up with a comeback. Pity." Zenix scowls.

"Gene! Can she come with us? After Kitty left, I'm kinda a loner." Sasha begged.

"Fine. By the way, who are you?" Gene asked.


"Y/N? Eh. I'll call you Tiger." Gene decides.

"Uh, no you won't. You're not my mother, you don't name me." I protest.

"C'mon Tiger." He ignores my last statement.

Sasha grabs my uniform sleeves and drags me behind them. "Hey!" I yell. "Where are we going?!"

"Class." Gene states.

"Class?! But we never go to class!" Zenix pouts.

"We have to impress Tiger~" Gene smirks.

"Psh.. We don't even have the same homeroom."

"Check again." Sasha instructs.

I pull my schedule out of my bag, "Room 106, Ms. Hyria?"

"Yep and here we are." Gene says, stopping at room 106 and walking in.

"Good morning Ms.-" Sasha jerks my sleeve to the back of the room. "-Hyria."

"Oh? Good morning."

"Really? No help for me?" I mutter to myself.

The shadow knights sit in the back of the room, making me sit with them. Normally, I'd sit in the middle row of the classroom. Oh well. Zenix and Sasha are sitting next to each other.

"Are you two a thing?" I whisper to Sasha.

"Ew! No! Zenix is gay, so even if I did like him. No chance." Sasha states.

I gasp, "You like him?!"

"No! He's a moron." Sasha rolls her eyes.

"Is he actually gay?" I ask.

"No." She rolls her eyes again.

"What about Gene? Do you like him?" I ask.

"No." She answers simply.

"Do you like anyyyone?!" I groan.

"Yeah, his name's Eddie Swalswagger. But, I can't date him." She answers in a whisper.

"Why not?"

"Shadow Knights aren't allowed to date non-shadow knights.."


"You ask a lot of questions." She sighs.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now