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On Monday, I return to school in the unfamiliar car belonging to the annoying nurse. As I hop out of the car, I get the stares of multiple students. I shrug it off and wave to the nurse.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and walk over to join Sasha, Gene, and Zenix.

Gene glances at me, "Hey kitty, where were you Friday? You look pretty beaten up."

I panic internally but try not to let it show. "I took a tumble down the stairs."

"Ah," Zenix laughs. "What a klutz."

Gene glares at him, "I'm sure you'd know what that's like. Ya know, the time you tripped over a caterpillar at the park."

Zenix rolls his eyes and I muster out a laugh.

"Glad to see you're fine." Sasha smiles.


"Hey uh, you two go to class, me and Y/N will catch up with you." Gene said to Sasha and Zenix.

"Alright." They said walking off.

Gene watched them go. Once they were gone he said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

I lie and nod, "Mhm."

"Okay then, would you be interested in going to a Fall Out Boy Concert with me tomorrow night?" Gene asked, smirking.

"As like, a date? Or..."

He laughs and tucks a stray hair behind my ear, "A date, darling."

I feel my cheeks fluster. I don't know why though. It's just a date, no big deal. Right?

I laugh and playfully wack his hand, "Okay, Baka. But don't count on me dressing up and stuff."

"I'm glad, I don't want your clothes to distract me from your pretty face." He winks.

I snort, "I couldn't say the same about your face."

He laughs and puts on a fake, hurt look. "I'm offended."

We both lose ourselves in laughter. For the first time since Wednesday, I feel truly happy and excited for what comes next.

Maybe I will dress up for this Baka.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now