Back to Normal- ..ish

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It's Monday, and you know what that means. School! Yaaay.. I think with extreme sarcasm as I shut up my alarm clock.

I get up and put on the uniform with great struggle, because of my knee and all. I grab my crutches and struggle down the stairs.

"Good morning Y/N." Garroth says, the bags under his eyes evident.

"G'morning. Where's dad?"

"Downstairs." He shrugs.


Mom walks into the dining room from the kitchen. "Morning Y/N, sweetie."

"Morning mom."

I manage to get downstairs and sit next to Zane at the table.



I whisper in his ear, "How's you and Travis?"

He rolls his eyes and whispers back, "Is there even a me and Travis?"

I shrug and laugh.

"What are you two laughing about?" Garroth asks.

"Nothing!" We say immediately in unison.

Vylad fake-frowns, "But I'm your bwest frwend!"

I laugh and so does everyone else. I can tell everyone is still trying to make everything normal, which gets on my nerves, but its kind of relieving in a way.

"Load up kiddos." Mom says as we get into the car.

I sit up front because of my crutches, that makes me have control of the AUX. You know what that means~.


Everyone rolls their eyes and laughs, singing along.


We arrive at school and Garroth helps me out of the car. As soon as mom drives away, I'm swarmed with students asking me questions.

I shrug and push through the crowd with my crutches and help from my brothers. I adjust my knee brace and follow Garroth to my class.

"Why are you escorting me?" I ask with a bit of an attitude.

"Do you want to answer those questions?"


"Mkay, thats what I thought." He shrugs.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now