The Truth About Zenix

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Fyi, I sang this whole song in the shower this morning.
I wake up the next morning and look around for Gene, I see him on the floor.

"Wake up, Slug." I tease.

He groans, "I'm not a slug."

"Then get up!"

"It's to earlyyy.." He says, rolling over.

I roll my eyes and glare at him, "Really? It's 10:30."

He yawns and sits up, "Alreaddy?"

"Yep." I laugh. I stand up on my feet, forgetting about my ankle, and instantly fall backwards in pain.

Gene frowns and helps me walk downstairs.

Dante and Gene's mom are at the kitchen table. The both tilt there heads in confusion.

I'm so nervous, I may pee myself. I think.

"Oh mom, this is Y/N. She was the one who I called you about."

She smiled warmly. Her hair was the same color as Dante's and she wore pink. She had a nose piercing as well. But I noticed that she still didn't look a lot like Gene.

"Ah, are you feeling okay Y/N?" She asked sweetly.

I nod.

"That's good. Does your mother know where you are?"

I nod my head again and she laughs.

"Is someone coming to pick you up?" She questioned.

I nod once again, "My brother will be here in an hour."

"SHE SPEAKS!" Dante yells.

Gene glares at him, "Shut up."

Dante rolls his eyes. I sat on the couch watching TV with Gene until Garroth picked me up. Mom was in the car too. They took me straight to the doctors.


After the doctors visit, we went home. My ankle wasn't horribly damaged, just sprained. I got crutches and went along with my normal life, or so I thought.

At around 6:30, I get an anonymous phone call. I pick it up.

"Hello?" I ask politely.

"Hi. Are you Y/N Ro'Meave, a student attending Phoenix Drop High?" A feminine voice asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Yes."

"Are you in anyway affiliated with a man by the name of Zenix?" She asks.

I shrug, "Mhm. We were friends, for a while."

"And you've taken note of his disappearance?" She interrogates.

"Vaguely, only every now and then."  I answer.

She sounds confused, "Why's that?"

"Our friends thought he was just playing a prank." I confess.

"I see, well have figured about the whereabouts of him and recused him."

"Rescued?" I ask.

"Oh, yes. I presume you haven't heard. Zenix ran off after a fight and had am unsuccessful suicide attempt, he was mugged and kidnapped for a large ransom."

I blink, "Really?"

She lady sighs, "Mhm. He has requested the presence of a few people while he recovers from damage in the hospital."

"I see. Do you need help contacting others?"

"No miss, they're already here." She says softly.

"Oh, well tell him I hope he gets better.." I sigh.

"Ms Ro'Meave?"

"That's my mother, you can call me Y/N."

"Mmph, Y/N then?"


"He requested your presence." I hang up and drop the phone.

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