The Date pt. 1

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Its Tuesday night. We don't have school Wednesday, or the rest of the week really, because it's fall break.

I stand in my room, mom standing behind me. I smile in the full length mirror in front of me. I see mom smiling too.

"Beautiful girl. You're growing up." She says in a sing-song voice.

I roll my eyes, unable to shake my smile. "Mommm.."

"What?! Its your first date!" She cheers. "I shouldn't be the most excited one here."

"You're not." I giggle, "I've been basically ecstatic all day."

"Okay, we better get you downstairs."

"One minute." I tell her.

She nods, "Alright."

She leaves the room. I twirl and gaze at myself in the mirror.

Totally not self absorbed at all, I think.

I take one last glance at my black-mid-thigh-length skirt and flannel shirt then walk downstairs. I'm immediately thrown into a four-way hug with my brothers. I laugh.

Theres a knock at the door. I feel my insides churning. Is that Gene?

Mom opens the door and there stands Garte. Garroth glares at him and all my brothers nonchalantly rush to my side.

"Hey there guys." He says.

I glare at him, "Get out."

"Why, aren't you gunna brief me on your date? Ya know, let me meet him?"

"No. Go." I say bitterly. Gene should be here any minute and I definitely don't want him here.

He frowns, "Cmon, I have a right."

"No you don't, Garte. Mom, shut the door." I order.

"Oh, so I'm not your dad anymore?"

I laugh coldly, "The chair is more of a dad to me than you are."

Garte sighs exasperatedly, "Quit with the games. Tell me about him."

"No! Go Garte!" Garroth shouts and takes a step towards Garte.

Garte takes a step back and throws his arms up, "Fine, I'll go. But I expect a phone call."

And with that, he leaves. I watch him pull out then I mutter, "In his dreams."


Five minutes later, the door bell rings.

I swear if thats Garte..

Mom answers the door.  I smile, "Hey Gene."

Garroth shouts, "Gene?! REALLY Y/N?!"

"Uh, hi?" Gene furrows his eyebrows.

I walk over to Gene and he wraps his arm around my waist. I try not to fluster. "Calm down Garroth."


Mom pushes Garroth out of the room. At first, he resists, then he gives in. "Sorry about that." She smiles.

Vylad and Zane walk upstairs, "Cya later sis."

"You two have fun." Mom waves.

"Cya mom."

"Cya Mrs. Ro'Meave."

"Oh, its Miss." She shrugs and walks away.

"Oh yeah, um... Shall we?" He smirks.

"We shall." I laugh.

I get in the passenger seat of his car. "I thought you weren't dressing up for 'This Baka'?"

"Pfft, I didn't." I lie, sorta.

"Really? Cuz' you look beautiful." He smiles.

"Hah, thanks." I fluster.

He looks in his car-mirror (I forgot what its called) and sees my blushing. He laughs, "Thats cute."

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now