Halloween Party Part 1

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It had been weeks since anyone had seen or heard from Zenix. His backpack and things were still at school, but not even his family had sighted him.

Most people would assume he was kidnapped, but I seriously doubted it. First of all, who would kidnap Zenix? Second, why? And lastly, how? Zenix is pretty strong.

It was almost Halloween, so I figured he was pranking us. But no one really put much though into the affair.

Besides, like I mentioned, it's almost Halloween! Everyones distracted by scarier of funner things. By that, I mostly mean, ~halloween costumes~.

Me, being a musical freak, am going as Veronica Sawyer from Heathers (Omg I actually love Heathers so much its making an appearance in my fanfics someone help). But enough about that.

I slip on my plaid-blue skater skirt, followed by a blue over coat and tie. I twirl in the mirror. I love it!

I walk downstairs and see the boys. I bust out laughing, "THIS IS RICH!"

All of the boys laugh except for Zane.

"Only for you, Y/N." They say.

Mom walks downstairs and almost screams at the sight of the boys as the Heathers.

Garroth was Heather Chandler, he was rocking a short red skirt and a red coat over his white tanktop, followed by his knee-high socks. We also made him wear a curly blonde wig. I love this so much.

Vylad was Heather McNamara, he had a yellow skater skirt and a yellow coat over his white tanktop. He was also wearing knee-high socks and a curly haired red wig.

Finally, Zane was Heather Duke. We had to force him into a green plaid skirt  and a green coat, same as the boy. The real struggle though, was forcing a wig onto his head and pulling it into a side pony tail.

Vylad and Garroth were pretty compliant, but Zane was not. He was so stubborn that he insisted on keeping his mask over his mouth, but a made him a green one and asked him to wear it instead.

Laurence walked in and I fell onto the floor in laughter.

He sighed, "Only for you, Y/N.."

I hand Garroth my phone so he could take a picture of Laurence, who was dressed as Martha Dunnstock, because I was laughing so hard.

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed again, "Just wait until Dante, Travis, and Sasha get here."

As if cued, the three walk through the door. Dante and Travis were dressed as Kurt and Ram and Sasha was Ms. Fleming. This wasn't hilarious, more like awesome how I actually got them to do it.

Mom lines us up against the door and took a few pictures.


"Who?" They all ask.

I panic, "WE DON'T HAVE A JD!!"

"No," Garroth says. "If you are Veronica, we aren't getting a Jason Dean."

"PLEEEASE?!" I beg.

Garroth sighs, "Fine, fine. But who can get a trench coat and a slurpy on such short notice?"

"Hmm..." I pull out my phone and text Gene.

"Who's coming?"

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"Who's coming?"

"You'll see!" I smile.

Five minutes later, the doorbell rings. "I GOT IT!"

I open the door and Gene walks in wearing a Trench coat and holding a cherry slushy from 7/11 and busts out laughing.

"ITS HEATHERSSSS!" I squeal while jumping up and down. "You've seen it right?"


"Mkay! Well as you could tell, you're JD!" I giggle.

Garroth rolls his eyes, "Lets just get to the party.."

"Where is it?" I ask.

"Katelyn's house." He shrugs.

We all start walking, I'm so excited!

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