Why the Long Faces?

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The ride to school was silent. I didn't eat. I didn't sing to the radio, or anything for that matter. I was too busy thinking. What would life be like now? Would dad move out?

"We're here." Dad says.

We all glance at him and hop out of the car. I walk towards the school with my head down. Garroth walks straight towards Laurence. Zane follows me. Vylad sits alone. I turn around and grab Vylad's wrist, as he did to me this morning, and walk towards the school. Zane follows us. Sasha, Gene, and Zenix stop us in our tracks.

"Morning Ro'Meaves, why the long faces?" Gene laughs. I look up and glare at him with a tear stained face. Then, I storm past them, dragging Zane and Vylad behind me.

"What the heck?!" Vylad yells once we're alone. "My hand!"

"I don't care about your dang hand! Why are mom and dad getting divorced?!" I whisper shout.

"Calm down Y/N." Zane says.

"NO! I want to know why the heck they're getting a divorce!" I shout.

Garroth hears the commotion and runs over, bringing the attention over here. "Y/N, you're making a scene."


Vylad, Zane and Garroth blink and look down at the ground with guilt. Is it possible for someone's heart to shatter more than once?

"You... you guys knew? And... you didn't tell me?" I say, the pain evident in my voice.

"Y/N, we can explain..." Garroth tried to calm me.

"No... just... just go..." I frown, running away and bumping into Sasha.

"Tiger, are you okay?" She frowned as well.

"I... no." I say, on the verge of tears.

"Come with me." She said.

She walked me over to Gene and Zenix, they joined us on our stroll. "So, Y/N.."

"We know the hurt you're feeling..." Gene said.

"We've been there.." Sasha continued.

Zenix asked, "But you know what helped us get through those hard times?"

"Not drugs, not therapy." Sasha explained.

"The Shadow Knights." They all said in unison.

"They helped us gain friends.." Zenix explained.

"Have fun..." Sasha added.

"And let loose!" Gene cheered.

"So," Sasha and Zenix said.

"Wanna join?" Gene asked.

I thought about it for a minute. Shadow Knights help people cope, right? I need to cope. So what if Laurence had a bad experience? Things happen. Maybe he was lying because he got into an argument with them or something. I don't know, but it's worth a shot.

"Sure." I answer.

"YES!" They all cheer.

"C'mon Tiger, we've got some stuff to do." Gene grins down at me.

I wipe a tear off my cheek and smile back. I get a warm feeling inside as we hold eye contact for longer than I expected.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now