Surprise Visitor

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I sit in the passenger's seat of Garroth's Truck while blasting TØP. I'm pretty sure this is an all-time low for me, but I shrug it off. It's not like I had anything to live up to anyway, I'm just the one no one knows about out of all my siblings.

I'm not really sure if TØP is helping me cope or making my sadistic-state worse, but I listen anyway. I hear a knock on the car door. I roll down my window.

"Oh, hey Gene."

"Hey Tiger, you never got back to me about the party, so I assumed you didn't come." He shrugged.

Oops. I say, "Ah, sorry about that. I kinda forgot to tell you. I actually came with Zenix."

"Co- You WHAT?!" His smile fades.

I shrug, "It didn't work out. Apparently, Zenix is impatient and likes to assume things."

"Thats Zenix alright... why him though? Do you like him?"

I tease, "Yup."

"Oh my gosh, are you serious?!" Gene asks angrily. I roll my eyes.

"Definitely." I say sarcastically, "I'm in love with Zenix."

He raises an eyebrow, "Then why'd you come with him?"

"Just trying to be nice." I admit.

"Oh, I see." He nods.

"Not a mutual trait, as you might have gathered." I say.

He laughs, "Definitely true."

I just realized how great of a listener Gene is. It actually kind of surprises me, the way Laurence and Garroth talk about him. Maybe he's just misunderstood. I was probably to naive to look at the other side before, though.

"So, who'd you come with tonight, Stud?"

"Ah, she's a Junior. Her name is June." He shrugged, "She's a werewolf. She left early though, family stuff."

"Mkay, cool." I smile.

"Ya know, I think you're left eye hurts." Gene says.

"Uh, why?"

"Because you've been look alright today."

I laugh.

"Are your eyes pools? Cuz if so, I wanna dive on in." He continues.

"Be careful, the waters cold." I joke, "Anyway, you can stop with the pickup lines now."

He chuckles, "Okay, okay."

"Hah, my brother will be back soon. He doesn't like leaving me alone for too long." I say.

"Alright. I'm gunna get going then. Cya!"


I laugh and put on a fake smile. You know those days where you feel like you're just dying inside for like, no reason at all? Yeah, that's today.

Whenever I'm alone, I think about Garte. I think about him having custody over all of us on the weekends. I think about the fact that if he ever wants full custody of us, he could probably get us.

I sigh and shake my head, Mom wouldn't let that happen. Heck, Garroth wouldn't let it happen either.

Sometimes, ya know, you can't help thinking for the worse.

(Hey! CUZ GUYS LIKE ARE COOL IN COLLEGE! Still no? Okay. I'm like serious shipping Boyf riends right now. Lol anyway, BUT WE'RE NOT IN COLLEGE!! Still no? Okay. IS IT REALLY TRUE IM YOUR FWAVORITE PERSON?! Okay, I'll stop bro.

Anyway, (if you are reading this, comment "RIP Great-Great-Aunt Isabell" ;'D) I hope you are enjoying 'The Perfect One' but I have to admit, all the inspiration from this book is from JustAnotherDream_15 's Laurence X Reader SLS. Its really good!

Lastly, I completely forgot to mention this, most of these songs have cuss words, so sorry about that (as I write that: "Highschool is sh**" lol)

Anyway, thank you for reading!

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                                  (Not really lol)

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