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I wait at home for the clock on my phone to strike 5:00 so I can get out of this stupid therapy.

"So Y/N, I think we can get someone with this."


My therapist sighs, "Y/N, I need you to take this seriously."

I shake my head at him.

"This could really help you." He insists.

"No, it won't."

He reminds me, "Mind over matter."


I check my phone. 4:53.

I groan and flop backwards in my cushioned chair. I glance at the wall and read all of the stupid motivational phrases.

"Can I get out early? I have plans with my friends."

"Friends? How about you tell me about these friends?" He smiles kindly.

I roll my eyes, "There's Zenix, he has a temper. There's Sasha, my best friend. And then there's Gene."

"Tell me more about him."

"Who? Zenix?" I groan.

"No, Gene. You didn't say anything about Gene."

"I'm not some mega-stalker-spy person who knows everyone's secrets and insists on blabbing them to 'certified' strangers. I'm sorry if that wasn't implied."

"Y/N, have a positive attitude."

I glare coldly at him.

"Now, I want you to say something positive about yourself, your life, and this room." He declares.

"I'm not your little charity puppet." I spit.


"Fine. I stand up for what I believe in. My life has a no-tolerance policy for this crap. And the only good thing about this room is the fact that I'm leaving." I stand up, and walk out.

The receptionist glances at me. "Can I help you?"

"No." I fume.

She rolls her eyes, "What was your appointment time?"

"Aren't you too old for this job?" I glare at her.

She glares back, "I'm 23."

"And I'm leaving, nice to meet you." I laugh coldly and head towards the door.

"The pleasure was all mine. I'll remember you when I'm fired for letting you leave." She says sarcastically.

"Thanks." I walk out.

I stand in the parking lot and call Garroth. He instantly pick up.

"Hey Y/N. Shouldn't you still be in therapy?"

"I quit and I need a ride."

"Why'd you quit?!"

"I'll tell you when you get here.."


"And he was practically digging for compliments on his room!" I finish.

"So from what I'm gathering..." Garroth begins. "He was an overly-perky, puppet-master, with bad motives?"

I nod, "Someone understands!"

"I bet your glad to be out of there."

I nod again, "DEFINITELY."


We arrive at home and Garroth and I tell mom about the torture called therapy.

"Oh I'm sorry Y/N," Mom says. "It was your father's idea. The receptionist was his coworker's wife."

"Well she's out a job." I state.

Mom tilts her head, "Do I wanna know?"

I shake my head.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now