The Date pt. 2

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We pull into the parking garage. It is packed and crowded. After about a half an hour, Gene find a parking spot. I'm shaking with excitement.

"Geez, calm down Y/N." He laughs.

I blush, "Sorry.."

He laughs again and gets out, opening my door for me. I step out. He takes my small hand in his, "Shall we?"

I laugh, "We shall."

We walk towards the concert hall and take our seats after getting our tickets checked.

(Time skip to after the concert)


We walk out of the concert hall, weaving our way through the crowd. I'm just now realizing how tightly im clutching Gene's hand.

As we make our way out, Gene turns to me. "Hey, would it be alright if I don't take you straight home?"

I check the time on my phone. The concert started pretty early, so it's only nine. My curfew is 12.

"Alright." I smile. We hop in his car. "So, where are we going?"

"You'll see." He responds.

About 15 minutes later, we arrive at a park. I climb out his car. He walks around to my side and takes my hand. "Wanna go for a walk?"

I grin, "Sure."

We walk along the path. The park is deserted and would be silent if it weren't for our footsteps. Suddenly, it starts pouring down rain.

"Ah!" I squeal.

Gene laughs and puts his jacket over our heads. We are laughing hysterically as we run to the car. We both franticly jump in. We take a moment to collect ourselves then he starts the car.

"Guess I'll take you home now." I look at the time and it's 11:30 already.

I nod, "Thanks, Gene."

"For what?"

"I really had fun tonight." I explain.

He laughs a bit, "Me too. Wanna do this again? Travis is having a memorial day party."


"Oh, he's basically Dante's best friend."


He laughs, "He's my little brother."

"Oh." I say.

"I'm surprised you don't know him though, he and Travis hang out with your brother and Laurence all the time." Gene says, his expression hardening.

"Oh.." I respond, "Maybe I'll go, I dunno."


We pull into my driveway. I give Gene a hug and walk to the door. "Cya!"

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now