Frolicing Along Death Row (Pt. 1)

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Thank you FaithChirdon1859 for the inspiration for these next few chapters! Warning: I have a headache so I'ma be bitter and this chapter may suck >:3
I hear a knock at the door and crawl over, for one simple reason- my crutches are in my room and I'm too lazy to get them.

I open it, "Hellooo?"

"Y/N, it's five thirty." I look up and see Gene.


Gene laughs, "Yeah. Go change!"

I nod and crawl away.


I turn around, "What?"

"Need help upstairs?" He snickers.

I shake my head, "No! I'm not some charity case!"


I take one quick glance at myself in the mirror.

My y/c/h (your color hair) is pulled up into a pony tail. I'm wearing jean capris and a f/c (favorite color) t-shirt with a black jacket because lets face it, November is fricken cold.

I grab my crutches and butt scoot down the stairs, standing up at the bottom. "Lez go."

We go outside and get in Gene's car. Zenix and Sasha are in the back.

"Why does Y/N get to sit up front?!" Zenix complains.

Sasha slaps him, "Her crutches!"

"Yeah dude, have some respect." Gene threatens.

"Woah guys, chill."

"Sorry.." They mutter.

We sit in silence for a while.

Gene breaks the silence, "So Y/N, how was therapy?"

"What are you my mom?"

Zenix laughs but Sasha, for the first time, glares at me. "Therapy is good for you, Y/N."

"And you know whats good for me when?" I spit. "Last time I checked you were still shaming yourself about-"

"Shh! At least I'm not Gene he-" She yells.

Gene looks at Sasha in the rear view mirror, "Ahem?"

She sighs and sinks down into her seat.

"What is going on here? Something I wasn't told again?"

Zenix begins, "Not necessarily, it's just that Gene-"

"SHUT UP!" Gene interrupts.

I ignore Gene, "Gene did what?"


Zenix shakes his head.

"I swear if it has to do with me not being able to handle things.."

"It's not, I promise." Gene smiles sheepishly as we pull into the parking lot for the park.

Sasha opens my door and helps me out. "I've got it Sasha, really."

She shakes her head, "I don't want you to get even more hurt.."

I sigh and laughs halfheartedly. We all walk towards the playground. All the kids are leaving, as it's getting kind of dark outside. I'm not used to it being dark so early.

We all sit on the swings. After a few minutes Sasha kind of glances at Zenix. "We'll be right back."

"Hmm? Alright." Gene shrugs.

Sasha winks at me and Zenix gives me a christian-side-hug, almost knocking me off the swing.

"BLAHGH KDBS!" I exclaim. "What was that for?"

"Just wanted to show my affection for you. I know I'm always kinda rude to you, but I like you and think you're really awesome." He winks.

(Sue me angry fangirls, sue me. OR... CASH ME OUTSIDE, HOW BOUT DAT? No? Ok.)

Gene glares at him, "Yeah, okay. Bub-bye."

Zenix sighs and he and Sasha walk off. As soon as they're out of sight, I burst out laughing. Gene looks at me, kind of confused. "Hm?"

"I just find it kind of relieving that he doesn't despise me." I say awkwardly.

"Well uh, yeah but um.."

"'But Um...' what?"

"There's another person who more than 'doesn't despise'.." Gene says.

I tilts my head, "Huh? That made no sense.."

"Ya know, someone who less than hates you." He elaborates.


"Someone who doesn't hate you- IRENE Y/N I'M TRYING TO SAY I LIKE YOU!"

"As a friend, I know. Yeesh." I shrug.

"Not just as a friend Y/N..."

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