Injuries and Trageties

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FUN FACT, this is the same title from the first chapter of my other book "When Secrets Don't Prevail" so ye

I sigh, it would be another 2 hours until I'm allowed out the hospital. I made the stupid mistake of complaining about my leg in front of a nurse. I have to wait another 5 minutes until I get an X-ray.


I lay in the X-Ray room, alone with my thoughts as they fiddle with leg, causing even more pain then before.

It's been forever since I've seen Gene or Sasha.. or anyone for that fact. Well, except Vylad, Garroth, Zane and mom. And these pathetic, uncomforting doctors...

"Finished." One says.

I sit up and hold in my petty, sarcastic comments.

They walk out for a bit and I sigh. Alone again..


The doctors come in about 10 minutes later. Believe it or not, I'm actually relieved to see them. HUMAN INTERACTION! (Me after spending a whole summer at home)

"Okay Ms. RoMeave, there's a slight fracture in your knee and a broken ankle." The head nurse tells me.

I sigh and nod my head. "First two options, wheelchair or crutches?"

"Crutches." I say immediately.

"Okay," She writes something down. "Do you want a brace for your knee?"

I nod.

"Okay. We'll be right back with that." The nurse nods.



They come in a while later. I almost fell asleep waiting for them (seriously dudes, do you know how easy it is to fall asleep in a hospital? It's super easy for me lol).

"Okay Ms. Ro'Meave." They transport me back to my hospital room and put my knee brace on.

"You can be released now, miss."

I perk up.

My mom comes into my room to help me out to the car.

"Mom, I'm fine." I groan.

She smiles, "Just trying to help."


When we get home, dad is there with the boys. I wonder when he got here...

"Hey mom, dad, Vylad and I are going on a walk before..." I swallow. "Therapy."

"Okay sweetie-"

"Zianna, I don't think they should." Garte says.

I gasp, "Why not?!"

"What if Y/N gets hurt? Or lost? Or has another breakdown?" He points out.

"She'll have me!" Vylad argues.

I testify, "Yeah! Plus that won't happen!"

"Y/N, I'm your father and I say no." Garte puts his foot down.

I yell, "But thats so unfair! Mom?!"

"Mm... Y/N I think your father is right." She speaks sheepishly.

"You're only agreeing with him because you're afraid of him, aren't you?!"

"Y/N!" Dad shouts.

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