Don't Worry Sweetheart

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Sasha grabbed me by the hand and dragged me along behind her, Zenix, and Gene. "Where are we going?"

"Initiation." Sasha responded.

"Is this gunna be like.. I cut myself and put my blood in a jar? Cuz if it is, count me out." They all laugh at me.

"No sweetheart, it's not that type of initiation." Gene rolled his eyes.

"We just gotta see if you got guts." Sasha shrugs.

"Yeah!" Zenix repeats.

"SHUT UP ZENIX!" Sasha yelled.

"Whatever Sasha, stop acting like your on your period." Zenix laughs bitterly.

Gene groaned, "SHUT UP YOU TWO!"

"Sorry Gene..." They mutter, glaring at each other.

I interrupt, "So what is the initiation?"

"Sasha, got the spray paint?" Gene asks, ignoring me.

"Yeah." She smiles triumphantly.

"Huh? Spray paint?" I tilt my head.

"Yes, Y/N, spray paint." Gene says.

He actually called me by my name.

"But why?" I ask.

"The Shadow Knight logo, duh." Sasha replies.

"But graffiti is wrong..." I say kind of quietly, looking at the ground. Everyone stops in their tracks. Gene lifts up my chin. "I thought you said you were on board."

"I-I am but-"

He smirks and tucks a stray hair behind my ear. "Don't worry, it technically isn't graffiti. We're just... sharing our art."

"But still its illegal and-"

"Shhh..." He puts his finger to my lips making my cheeks turn pink. "I'll cover that later. We'll be fine,
I promise." He says, still smirking. He takes his finger off my lips and taps my nose before resuming leading our walk.

Sasha speed walks close to me and whispers, "Omg!"

"What?" I whisper-yell back, my cheeks still a bit pink.

"Hellooo? Are you blind?! Gene just flirted with you!" Sasha whisper-giggles.

Zenix must've heard us because he raises his eyebrow and walks over. "Yeah, that is kinda weird."

"Maybe he likes you!!" She exclaims.

"Pfft, no. He was probably just trying to get a reaction." I roll my eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasha raises an eyebrow.

I shrug. "He gives off play boy vibes. He's probably just toying with me so he can have fun."

"That sounds like some chick-flick shit." Zenix says.

"Whatever, you know what I mean. He doesn't like me, I know it. We just met each other." I say.

"Oh, Y/N, you're so naive. It's obviously love at first sight." Sasha smiles dreamily.

"I'm the naive one?" I giggle.

"Whatever. Just think out it!" She says.

They all run forward to catch up with Gene who is several feet away and I join them, trying not to let my nerves get the best of me. Oh boy.. I think.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now