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So, I know this book isn't that popular, I wanna do a Q&A. So feel free to ask questions about me or ask questions directed to the characters.

I yell for Garroth, telling him I'll be back in an hour or so and use my crutches to get outside. I get out my phone and text Sasha.

I see her pulling into the driveway as I walk to her car

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I see her pulling into the driveway as I walk to her car. I get in.

"I was at the hospital too." She said. "For Zenix."

"I can't believe no one told me..." I sigh.


"I mean, he was a jerk to me but I still care about him as a friend.." I admit.



We listen to some classic pop songs then we pull into the hospital. I waddle out and inside on my crutches while Sasha holds the door open  for me.

We walk up to the receptionist and Sasha tells her Zenix's room number. Then she leads me up there. We open the door.

"Zenix...?" I see Gene sitting beside his hospital bed.

Zenix looks up, "Y/N..."

(Hate me for all this Zenix x Y/N action in the comments, I dare you XD)

I hobble over to him, "Zenix!"

"Y/N! What happened?!"

I shrug, "Just a little accident, I'm clumsy."

Gene's eyes widen as he nods and I glare at him.

(Swear words ahead but like, asterisks)

"But really, WHAT THE F***?! A SUICIDE ATTEMPT?!"

"Y/N, calm down..." Sasha tells me, putting her hand on my shoulder.


Everyone just stares at me. I run my hand through my hair stressfully.

"Y/N..." Sasha finally speaks.

"DON'T EVEN F****** START WITH ME!" I glare at them. "'Y/N we didn't want you to get upset' or 'we didn't know if you could handle it' BECAUSE YOU KNOW D**N WELL I WOULD'VE DEALT WITH IT."

"I seriously doubt that Y/N.." Zenix yells.

I groan in frustration and get out of the room as quick as I can.

Zenix's Point Of View


I stare angrily at my friends. What Y/N didn't realize is she had a temper, and she tended to over react to things.

"There goes Y/N again." I groan.

Sasha frowns, "I hope she didn't hurt her ankle.."

"Who cares?! If she's gunna storm off..." I mutter the rest.

"I'll go get her..." Gene says. We both nod.


I hobble across the street to Beans Café and receive a text. I mutter, "Must be one of them..."

I check my phone, and it's a familiar number that I haven't seen in a while. Skylar?!

I call the number.

"Skylar?" I say in a sad-ish voice, since I had been crying.

"Y/N! Hi!" I can tell she's smiling.

"Oh my gosh! It's been so long!" I sniff.

Skylar was my best friend from O'khasis Prep. I haven't been in touch with her since Junior year, thats when she moved somewhere for unknown reasons.

"You sound sad, what's wrong?" She asks in a perky voice.

"Just stuff... How are you doing?" I ask. Normally, I would tell Skylar anything.. But I haven't seen her in so long..

"Well, I wanted to call and say sorry. Family issues happened and I had to move to Colorado.. no further details.." She said.

Skylar sounded so much more mature than she used to be. Perky, but more mature.

"Oh, well I hope you're doing alright." And with that, I rudely hang up.

I order a medium iced-americano and a powdered donut with sprinkles. I sigh as I sip my coffee, still fuming from the previous situation.

Why... why does no one tell me things? Am in immature? Untrustworthy? Or do they just not like me...?

I bite into my donut. I realize how hungry I am and I devour it. I pay the bill and walk out onto the sidewalk, sipping my barely touched coffee and contemplating what to do next.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now