The Chirstmas Party (Part 2)

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We arrive at Sasha's house. It was a pretty small Christmas Party, to be honest. Not like Laurence's parties where practically everyone in the school is there. Just Gene, Sasha, Zenix, a few werewolfs, and me.

Like not to be rude, but idgaf because thats not the drama thats happening here bishes



Gene opens the car door for me and starts to help me out.

I roll my eyes, "I got it, I got it."

I step out of the car, unaware how far it was off the ground. I fall into Gene's arms, giving him an unintentional hug. He laughs as I apologize profusely.


He laughs and hugs me tighter, then sits me on the ground. "It's okay, Y/N, just another chance to hug you."

I laugh and shut the door. Gene takes my hand and walks up to the front door. "Should we.. knock?"

"Nah," He barges right in, dragging me behind him.

"Hey Y/N! Hey Gene!" Sasha instantly runs towards us and tackles me into a hug.


"Oops, sorry! Well, happy Christmas-Eve!" She laughs, letting me go.

She walks off and sits with Zenix.

This party is bigger than I thought..

Gene must've been thinking the same thing because he whispers in my ear, "How about we get out of here? It's too crowded."

I nod and we sneak out the back door. "So, what do ya wanna do?" I ask.

"Hm.." He thinks. Then, his face lights up and he pulls something out of his pocket.

"A spray paint can? Really?"

"C'mon, live a little." He grabs my hand and he walk over to Sasha's neighbor's house. "We could do some damage here."

"Pfft..." I look down at the ground.

He lifts up my chin, directing my gaze towards him. "What's the matter?"

"I-I don't think this is a good idea.."

He laughs a bit, "You've done it before, what's the difference now? Are you ~scared~?"

"N-No! This is just... wrong! And besides, that was just a park, it already had graffiti! This is someones house, Gene!"

"Just some grouchy old man who'll probably die next week." He shrugs.

"Gene!" I gasp.

"What? It's the truth!" He says. "Jeez, I didn't realize how stuck up you were."

I glare at him and run off towards Sasha's house.

He sighs, "Y/N! Wait! I'm sorry!"

I ignore him and run in through the back door. Sasha walks over to me, "Where's Gene?"

"Off being a d*** somewhere." I huff.

Zenix walks over. "Where is he?"

"Spray painting the neighbor's house." I cross my arms.

"Mr. Kristoff?! THE OLD MANS HOUSE?!?" Sasha exclaims.

She and Zenix run out the door and I sit on the floor, wishing I could go home. Gene was my ride.

I think, I could call Garroth...

I shake my head and sit on the floor sulking silently.

The Perfect One//Gene X Reader(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now