Chapter one: Deal or no deal

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The mystery shack.

The one place that I could escape Bill. Or so I thought.

I ran into the Mystery shack. I looked around and saw everyone congregating around Mable. When I walked in they all looked at me. I saw their smiles as they hugged me. I almost forgot about the dream demon that was trying to kill me.

"Stan! B-Bill! He's back. I saw his statue and he spoke to me! We have to do something!" I yelled shaking my still smiling Grunkle.

Stan continued to smile. What was he doing? Doesn't he know that Bill's coming after us?

Stan, Ford, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy all gathered around me giving me the same creepy smile. Their faces turned dark and their smiles widened. The world seemed to turn black and white.

"What about our deal? Did you forget so soon?" I heard a voice sing in as Bill stood in front of me.


"Yes it's me! I bet you've missed me, pine tree!"

"Get away from me!"

"Oh, but what about our deal!" He whined pushing me against the wall of the mystery shack. I could still see the creepy smiles from everyone in the shack. I just wanted them to be normal. Why was Bill hurting them?

"We have a deal!" He yelled now getting angry.

"No! No, we don't! Get away from me!"

"Fine. I just won't fix your family. They'll be stuck staring at you with their creepy smiles. Forever!"

"Why are you doing this to me!"

"You're the one who made the deal."

"Just change my family back."


"Bill, please. I'll go with your deal. Just change them back." I said as tears flowed my face. He had finally broke me.

"Deal!" he said shaking my hand.

The blue flame appeared and everything went from black and white to color. Finally everything is back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be.

I saw my family turn back to their normal selves. They looked at me confused then they saw Bill. That almost explained everything. Mabel gave me a questioning look. A look of the carelessness I've done. It was almost the look my father gave me a year ago when he saw the text messages from a friend and I. Text messages that told her my secrets. Secrets that my father never excepted. The secrets behind who I was as a human being. The secret fact of who I was. Who I was was not the person my Father idolized me to be.

This look broke me. It sent me into the back of my mind. It made me feel the same things that I felt on that unfortunate day of my father knowing of who I was. This time Mabel knew what I had done. She knew how stupid I was to let this happen. She knew that my curiosity had fucked our family over!

The silent looks gave a displeasing feeling.

"Dipper, how could could you make a deal." I heard Ford whisper.

"Grunkle Ford, I'm sorry-" I couldn't say anymore. Bill folded his hand over my mouth.

"Dipper and I've made a deal. Now he'll be doing what I say. He's my pon! How about that. If I told him to destroy you, he would have to!" He began to laugh.

Now looking at this dire situation, I've came to realize that he was only insane. He might not have had a reason for weirdmagadeon. He was just insane. I had the feeling of regret and dishonor through me.

"Now Pine Tree, I don't think that I want you around these people that you call family. I think that you'd fit quite nicely in my home!" He yelled and snapped his fingers.

Everything went black and I was gone.

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