Chapter eleven: truth

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Bill's POV

For a year I was in cold solid isolation, stuck in stone never to see the sun again. I was only there with my thoughts and that itself could make me go crazy.

The thought of my Pine Tree was the only thing that kept me sane. From the beginning I knew that I would force him into a deal.

I would some how manipulate him into marrying me and becoming mine. I would find a way to get him to do what I wanted but, he was horrified when I brought him to my house for the first time. I couldn't do that. So I lied.

When he asked why I wanted to make the deal, or why I brought him to my home I lied. I told him that I just wanted to get him away from his family which was partially true and that I had no use to him.

I decided that I wanted him to love me for me. Not for manipulating him. I wanted him to fall in love with me the right way but, after what I did to him it would be hard.

Now, because my head filled with lust my Pine Tree could be pregnant. His life could be ruined
Because of me. Because I wasn't thinking about him. All that I could've done was use a condom and this all would be fine.

I wouldn't be surprised if he hated me. I wouldn't even be surprised if he wanted to get rid of the baby. He's only fourteen. He hasn't even finished school.

But what if he wants to keep the baby?

We could be a family. He wouldn't have to worry about getting a job or even going back to school. I can provide for them. We can be a family.

Even if he wanted to go back to school I can take care of them.

I'm thinking as if Dipper wouldn't be angry. I bet he hates me. Then I left him with his family for two weeks. They're probably torturing him or something.

How could I have just left him with his family. I could only imagine how non supportive they are to him. I need to see him. I need to See him soon. I have to know if he's okay.


Dipper's POV

I've been back home for almost two weeks. I missed Bill so much. Just a few more days till Bill would be here. God, I miss him.

I miss that smile of his. How his pointed teeth points out. How his ears are slightly pointed. I love how his skin is slightly more tanned.

I love him so much. I can't wait till I'm with him.

Mabel has been so supportive. Along with Stan, Wendy and Soos. Just not Ford. He's been staying in his lab for days at a time only coming out every so often for food.

It didn't matter though.

Soon Bill will be here.


What will Bill say when he finds out I'm pregnant? Will he make me get rid of it? Will he be happy? What will he say? What will he do?

I just want to see him again. I just want to feel his soft tan skin again. If he's angry then I'll just change his...mind.

That's when I heard something from behind me. When I turned around I saw no other than Bill Cipher himself.

"B-Bill." I stammered as a smile peered my lips.

"Pine Tree!" He said as he hugged me.

"I've missed you so much!" I said as his hands cupped my cheeks.

"Dipper, I need to talk to you about something."

"What is it?" I said concerned.

"When we...uh...slept together we didn't well...use protection. This means-"

"-I'm pregnant." I said knowing where he was going.

"Really!" He said as his face lit up.

"Yeah!" I smiled as he put his hands against my stomach.

"I'm going to be a dad!" He said reaching up and kissing my lips.

His kiss deepened and then next thing I knew I was being pressed against the bed.

"Hey Dip-" I heard Mabel say before she walked in to see Bill on top of me.

"Hey Mabel." I said kind of awkward.

"Hi, Bill" Mabel said kind of awkwardly. "I wanted to tell Dipper that dinner was done. I'll leave...."

"Wait, Mabel!" I began "Is Ford down there?"


"Is it safe for we to come down?" I said emphasizing the we.

"Yeah. Just be careful." Mabel said looking straight into Bill's eyes.

"We will." I assured her with Bill's hand holding mine.

"You know that I love you, right? And that I wouldn't have left you here with your family if I knew that you were pregnant, right? I just thought that it was best."

"Don't worry about it. I'm with you and that's all that matters."

Still need baby names. Girl names. Boy names. Non gender names. Comment if you want a guy gal or a non gender specific pal

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