Chapter sixteen: Hell

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Trigger warning ⚠️ attempt of rape

I woke up and heard a loud bang from outside the bedroom. I looked over and saw that Bill was no where to be seen.

The door was opened half way then all of a sudden I saw bill being slammed against the wall right outside the opened door.

I couldn't see what was going on. I wanted to just run away or hide underneath my blankets. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know who was doing that to him.

Frightened, I carefully placed my feet on the ground. I tip toes over to the door. That's when Bill's struggling expression turned to shock as he saw me. I watched as he worded "run".

I didn't run.

I backed up into the room and grabbed a nearby lamp. I came running out of the room and slammed the door open. I could see the shock on Bills face. Before I could even get a look at him, I smacked them across the head. I watched as they fell to the ground to only get a glance of who it was.

Of course it was Ford.

I saw him lay on the floor. I thought that he was unconscious but, yet I was wrong. He Grabbed a hold of me and presses a button on his jacket. We both teleported away from Bill's home.

We both landed on top of a small bed. I went to push my leg up against his crotch to kick him but, I felt something rather...hard.

Did Ford have an erection.

"Get off of me Ford!" I yelled feeling a bit creeped out.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't punch you in the stomach." He asked raising fist.

"Wait don't." I yelled.

"You know what you have to do, right Dipper." He said moving his crotch against my leg.

"STOP!" I yelled as loud as I could.

He didn't stop.

I could feel the tears. Start to form in my eyes. I didn't want this. I didn't want this.

"Ford! Stop!please!" I started to sob. I couldn't escape this.

"Stop crying you little shit!" He yelled rubbing himself across my body.

"Please stop."

"Is your child's life not important?" He asked.

I was silent. I didn't want him to hurt my child but, I didn't want to be raped! Let alone by my uncle. The real question was which one was worth it.  My child's life or my sanity.

Everything went cloudy with tears as I felt my uncle touch me. This was so unfair. I hated myself for not running away when I should've.

I could feel the pervert on top of me mess with my belt buckle. Oh god. This is it.

I felt him slowly pull of my pants. I wanted to die. I hated all of this but, all of a sudden he stopped.

I felt relieved when I sat up and saw Bill but, this time Bill wasn't no concerned yellow demon he was red with sharp teeth and angry. He was ready to kill. With one strike Ford fell to the ground. 

Bill approached him and started blazing him with fire. I watched and listened to my uncle burn in pain. He deserved it. He deserved to be covered in burn scares. He deserved to feel this kind of pain but, he didn't deserve death.

"Bill, stop you're going to kill him."

"I know."

My calm face turned to concern.

"That's my uncle! You can't kill him!"

"That's the same uncle that tried to kill you, me, our child and attempted to rape you. He doesn't deserve to live."

"Bill, please. I can't let you kill him." I said placing a hand on his shoulder but, he ignored it.

"Bill if you kill him I'll never forgive you!" I yelled shoving him as hard as I could.

He stopped blasting fire at Ford but, he was still glowing red with his fangs and sharp claws showing.

I heard him let out a loud grunt then slowly shifted back into his regular form.

"Why did I have to go and fall in love with someone who has a big heart." He said pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, Bill." Our noses touched. I could feel him giving me a little Eskimo kiss.

We separated and walked over to Ford. He was laying on the ground. He had severe burns. Something that he'd have to live with for the rest of his life.

"What are we going to do with him?" I asked.

"I don't know."

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