Chapter ten: comfromtation.

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I had to step back as Mabel and Ford fought about whether or not I should keep the baby. I'm pregnant! I'm actually pregnant with Bill's child!

I'm only fourteen though? I haven't even gone to college yet or even complete high school! Am I willing to do this for Bill?

"It's not your choice Grunkle Ford! It's Dipper's baby! It's his decision!"

"We don't even know if Bill's coming back! We can't just take care of a demon!"

That's when it was time for me to step in.

"Bill's coming back!" I yelled.

Mabel's face looked shocked and Ford's confused. They didn't know about the not on my hand.

"Look!" I said pointing to my hand. The writing was a little faded but, you could tell what it said.

"In a few weeks Bill will come back. We figure this out when he gets here!" Mabel yelled.

I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for Mabel. She's helped me out so much with this.

"Fine, I just have to alert everyone about this.....situation.

"I'll tell them." I said walking out of the lab.

"But, Dipper. You don't think that'll it'll be too stressful for the baby?"

"Come with me and if things get out of hand I'll have you."

We made our way to the kitchen and saw everyone sitting at the kitchen table. They all turned there heads, giving me a concern look.

"Can you please explain what's going on, Dipper?" Grunkle Stan asked as I took a chair between Wendy an Soos.

"It's a long story, really." I said scratching the back of my neck.

"We have all day."

"I guess that I should start from the beginning."

I told them everything. From the deal we made to the time we shared romantically. The way they looked at me it was horrifying. Then I told them that I was carrying Bill's baby. I saw Wendy's and Soos's expression soften but, Stan's turned from looking at a rape victim to how could you betray us.

"You can't keep it. You're only fourteen! You have school and a life to live."

"A life that I want to spend with Bill!" I protested.

"Well, that's not going to happen. By the looks of it he left you pregnant and gave you to us. He just handed us his problem."

"No that's not true! He's coming back!"

"Don't be delusional, Dipper."

"I'm not being Delusional! Just look!" I yelled
Showing them what the faded note on my hand said.

"In a few weeks I'll give him a peace of mind." Grunkle Stan chuckled pointing to his arm.

"Stan!" Everyone yelled laughing.

"Well that's what he's gonna get for knockin up my nephew. Never thought that I'd say that."

Everyone started laughing but, then things suddenly went cold as Ford stepped out of his lab.

"I hope that Dipper caught you up with everything."

"Oh Dipper I can't wait till the baby gets here." Wendy said.

"You don't really think that He's going to keep it?"

"Why wouldn't he? You're not saying that he should get an abortion?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

Everyone gasped.

"I was mad too. I mean he's fourteen he can't have a child but, you can't really make him get an abortion!"

"It's for the best!"

"This is a human life!"

"You don't know that. There's nothing to prove that it's living yet!"

"You don't know if it's alive either plus, it's Dipper's child. It's his choice."

"No it's not!" Ford said pulling me from my chair. His hand turned into a fist as his arm began to swing towards me.

Oh god. This is it.

I prepared for impact but, instead I was pushed back and fell gently into my seat. When I opened my eyes I saw Mabel in the floor with a bruised cheek and busted lip.

She got up with tears on her eyes and looked at me. "You okay, Bro Bro?" She asked at my shocked look.

"Mabel! Your lip!" I yelled looking at her bleeding lip.

"Ford!" Stan yelled but, it was too late. Ford was gone. We didn't know where he went but, assumed that he went back to his lab.

"Are you okay?" Mabel asked again.

"Are you crazy? You're the one who just got punched!"

"Is the baby going to be okay?"

"The baby is going to be just fine." I said hugging her.

"Let's get you patched up." 

Okay short chapter. Sorry. So we have some serious problem that we need to talk about. BABY NAMES. So the user mswider  (you guys should give them some love) has some amazing baby names. Luke if it's a guy and Crystal if it's a girl. Comment for the sex of the baby that you want and/or another baby name. Please comment. Or who knows none gender specific name. The child could be and X

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