Chapter twenty two: The Elixir

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Ford's pov.

It was ready.

I had everything that I needed. This Elixir could do amazing things. It can do exactly what I want it to do. I decided that the best way to kill Dipper would be not to be the one killing him but, the one watching his miserable death.

This Elixir will have Bill kill Dipper. It'll be the altimate revenge. Being killed by your own lover. As for blade. I want her out of the way. I can't blame a poor child for her dad's wrong doings.

I'll take her and train her to be like me. Smart. Charming and brave. She'll never know about her dads' awful mistake.

I'll find a way to shake the police and start a new life. Just me and blade as my assistant.

I grabbed my bottle of Elixir and placed it in my bag.

I was ready to get my revenge on the demon and his lover that I am sad to call my Nephew. I wish that that traitor, Fag, and slut wasn't even part of my bloodline.

Dippers pov

I woke up groggily. My head hurt so much. Mabel took blade as I laid down. I couldn't deal with anything today. I really couldn't.

"Hey hun. How ya feelin?" Bill asked walking in.

"My head still hurts" I responded sitting up to greet him.

He landed a kiss on my head before sitting on the bed.

"Do you want some company?" He asked laying down, pulling me down carefully.

"What about blade?"

"She's fine. She's with Mabel."

That's when we heard some commotion down stairs.

"Dipper-" we heard Mabel scream before something or someone shut her up.

Our bedroom door swung open. There right in front of us was Ford.

"Get the hell out of here!" Bill snapped his fingers and Ford was tangled in chains.

There was something in his hand though.

It was a large bottle filled with something blue.

Ford dropped it out of his hand and it shattered against the ground. Blue smoke began to come from the bottle. It spread like the darkness of the night. The smoke smothered us and the entire shack. My vision went dark and the hand that I held so desperately to was gone.

I was alone. Floating in this darkness.

That's when I opened my eyes to a strange light.

Okay. Okay okay. This chapter was short. I apologize but, the next chapter. Will be a bit a crazy.

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