Chapter twenty eight: forget Ford

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Dippers pov

I woke up my head hurting

I needed to go to school today given that I missed half of it yesterday. I sat up but was slowly pulled down by Bill.

"What do you think you're doing?" He asked still half asleep

"What do you think? I have school."

"You can't be serious. You can't go back to school. Not while you're pregnant."

"Watch me!" I said with a small hint of bitterness in my voice as I forcibly pulled away from Bill.

"You can't! What if something happens? Plus, people are going to be questioning why you're pregnant when you're a 14 year old dude!"

"I know, Bill but, it's not like I have a baby bump or anything."

"In a few weeks you will. Remember demons grow quickly even if they're half human."

"We'll figure something out. I mean surely we can use some kind of spell or potion to hide the fact I'm pregnant."

"Pine tree, it's a bad idea. I won't be there to protect you if something happens."

"What's going to happen while I'm at school? Nothing will happen. Plus, I don't need your protection all the time!"

"Pine tree...please."

"Bill I'm sorry but, I'll be damned if I don't at least get a high school education."

"Fine Pine tree. I know that this means a lot to you just be careful."

"Don't worry Bill. I will be."

A few weeks later

School is hard and stressful. Even though only a few weeks ago Bill wasn't supportive of me trying to go back now that I was indeed pregnant he's made a change of mind.

"If you really want to get an education I'm not going to stop you. I'll support you through it."

Those sentences were the whole reason that I'm in Math class failing a test right now.

God, maybe I should just drop out and be a parent.

The fact that I could so easily but, I can't. I just can't. I need this education.

The bell rang and I turned in my test. I walked out into the hallway and saw my friend, Luke.

He had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was a bit of a dweeb but, he was my friend. One of my only friends I made at this school.

"Hey Mason-"

"-just Call me Dipper, remember?"

"Yeah sorry, Dipper just wanted to know how the Math test went."

"I definitely failed it."

"You say that but, you're so smart. You failing it is like missing one answer."

"I'm not that smart, Luke."

Luke went to open his mouth to respond but, then was violently pushed against a Locker.

"Hey fuck face!" A tall man yelled.

"Leave him Alone, Micheal!" I yelled at him as he pressed Luke against the locker.

"Oh Dipper, didn't see you there. Sorry is this nerd your friend? You can do better than this sorry ass loser."

"Micheal stop being a dick to Luke. He didn't do anything wrong."

"Do you want to be thrown against this locker too?" He asked with anger in his voice.

"You wouldn't."

"Why wouldn't I."

"Because, Wendy will beat your ass if you lay a hand on me."

"Go to class, Dipshit. And take your ugly ass friend with you." Michael yelled in defeat throwing Luke at me.

"Damn what a dick." I said grabbing Luke.

"He's going to pay for what he did. I'm going to make him regret ever messing with us!"

Later that day

I finally got home to the mystery shack and saw my sweet little girl in the floor with Bill.

"Hi blade, did you miss daddy?" I asked sitting in the floor with him.

Bill said "How was school?"

"The usual."

"Did that Michael kid give Luke shit today?"

"Yeah like always. "

"That kid has to learn to stick up for himself."

"Yeah I know."

"Anyways. Let's head back home I got some shit I need to do."

"Alright. Too bad Mabel's not home. She's at play practice I wanted to say goodbye before the weekend."

"We can stay a few hours longer if you'd like."

"No we can go. It'll be fine."

Somewhere deep in the forest

Ford's pov

So it's been a while since I did some unforgivable things to my nephew and well to the whole family. I've been well depressed. I know many people want me dead and I've practically ruined things with my family. Dipper will want nothing to do with me I already know it.

I screwed up. I really screwed up. I love my family. I want nothing more than to be with them I wish that things never turned out this way.

I have so much Sorrow and regret as one should after doing the despicable things I did.

I gather some material from the forest I created some ink and used some old parchment. Using my skills I crafted a quill.

I began to write the testament of my pain.

Dear Pines,

As things are currently with the family my actions are undoubtedly horrible and don't deserve your forgiveness. So as of now I write this to you in plan of taking my own life. When the sun sets the night I deliver this letter my life will be long gone. I want you few to know that I have great sorrow in my heart for the crimes I have committed. I regret all the pain I've caused and would like Dipper to know that he has every right to hate me. I bet he's happy that I'd be dead. I wish that I wouldn't have done some of the evil things I've done. I wish that I could have been part of the family but, I cannot live with myself and my actions. This pain is no more than death itself. Let me be tortured in hell.

Forget, Ford

I wrapped the paper up like a scroll. I wondered near the shack and placed the small paper on the door step that morning. Now all that is left to do is the hard part.

I traveled deep into the forest and placed a rope over a tree branch in on a large oak tree.

One jump.

One breath.

One moment.

It would be over soon.

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