Chapter nine: Pregnant?

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My head throbbed as I woke up in a strange place. When my eye sight focused I realized that I sitting in a chair in Grunkle Fords lab.

"Good morning Dipper." Ford said as my sister ran up and hugged me.

"I've missed you so much!" She said kissing my forehead.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned "you should have went home to California a month ago?"

"After you went missing" her voice went dull. "Mom and Dad they were killed. It was a hit and run." Her voice quivered.

"I'm glad to have you back with us, Bro Bro." She said giving me a fake smile.

My heart went faint as I thought about their deaths. I was never close to my parents. They were never home and when they were they were arguing. Even though I would like to have gone to their funeral.

"Okay Ford, what am I doing here!" I asked quite angry at the fact that my hands were tied down.

"Sorry Dipper but, we don't know what Bill's done to you." He said as he put something weird on my head.

"This will let us see into your mind and see what happened while you were there."

"What? Why would you need to see into my mind. I can just tell you what happened."

"We saw what happened at the Food Lion. We think that he brain washed you into doing some...things."

"What is that supposed to mean!" I grounded my teeth.

"I think that you know what I mean, Dipper." He said as he flipped the switch on.

My head hurt with inescapable pain. I could feel as if someone was playing through my memories. I felt so violated.

When it got to the part when Bill dropped me off back at Gravity Falls.

"So, I'm still trying to understand how he brain washed you to sleeping with him." He said my face turning red.

"You slept with Bill?" Mabel's sad expression turned to anger.

"Yeah, so what?"

"You're fourteen Dipper!" Mabel yelled.

"Not to mention he kidnapped you." Ford mentioned

"I made a deal!"

"What deal?" They asked and then I remembered that they were cursed when this happened they probably had no idea what was going on.

"He told me why he did what he did last summer."

"In exchange for what?" Ford asked walking closer to me.

"You read my mind you already know."

"Yeah but, I want to hear you say it."

Mabel gave Ford a strange look. I don't think that she's seen him like this. All that she's seen was him in his Lab. She doesn't know how twisted he can really be.

"I told him that I'll do anything that he says."

"Did he tell you to sleep with him?"


"The why did you. If youre just his Slave then why would it intentionally." 

I wouldn't say I was his slave. I never considered him as my master. I had free will but, to Bill that was different.

"What can I say. Slavery is more fun when you're sleeping with your master." I said with a hint of evil in my eye. 

"So, you did it to be on his good side?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that I did it because I loved him?"


"That's what I thought."'

"It doesn't matter why you did it. It's what you did."

Mabel and I gave him a questionable look.

"When you slept with Bill it looked like you two didn't"

"So you want to check me for STD's?"

"Well that too but, you didn't sleep with just anyone. You slept with a dream demon."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mabel asked as my face turned red.

"It means that he thinks that I might be....pregnant." I said trying to cover my red face but, my hands were strapped to the chair.

"It's a possibility." Ford said pushing up his glasses.

"How is this even possible?" Mabel asked.

"He's a demon, Mabel. He can get anything pregnant. Even your brother."

Ford  handed me what looked liked a pregnancy test. "I don't know how well this will work giving our situation but, it's our best shot." He unbuckled the restraints around my wrist.

"Go to the bathroom upstairs and, Mabel go with him and make sure he doesn't do anything."

I grabbed the test and walked upstairs.

"You don't think that Ford will make you get an abortion, right?" Mabel asked me as we reached the bathroom.

"I don't know Mabel. I just really miss Bill." I said holding my stomach. 

"You must really like Bill."

"Mabel, for those two months I was gone he never did anything that I didn't want to do. "

"I hope that you see Bill again." She said as I handed her the test In a cloth.

We made our way back to Fords lab. He took the test and sat it down as we waited. A few minutes later Ford picked up the test.

"What does it say?" Mabel asked

"Dipper, you're getting an abortion."

My heart stopped.

"What? No!" I yelled.

"Grunkle Ford, you can't be serious!"

Hello baby dragons. The plot is happening. It's getting pretty crazy. Don't worry I'm not done with the smut. It will return

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