Chapter twenty: Hes back.

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Small blade. She was so young. Yet she was growing up so fast.

She's only a couple months old but, she could speak a whole sentence. According to Bill this is normal for demons. Demons just mature fast.

"Pine tree can we talk?" Bill asked snapping me out of my thoughts as we laid on the couch relaxing. Mabel was in the floor playing with Blade.

"Yeah? What's going on?"

"Do you remember a while back before all the crazy things happened with Ford? How You asked to marry me?"

Mabel peered her head up.

"He asked you to marry him? And you didn't tell me!"

"Sorry. It kinda slipped my mind while all the crazy things were going on!"

"Anyways I'm a little more prepared now." Bill got off the couch. Still in his pajamas and got on one knee. "What do you say? Pine tree, will you marry me?"

Bill pulled out a small golden ring.

"Isn't this the second time you've proposed to me?" I  said with a wide smile. "Didn't I already say yes once?"

"Will you say yes again?"


Bill grabbed my hand and brought me into an embrace before kissing my forehead.

"I can't believe we're the same age sometimes, Dipper. You already have a kid and now you're planing on getting married." Mabel said with blade in her arms.

"Did I just hear what I think I did?" Stan said walking into the room. "Did you just propose to my nephew? Without my blessing!"

"Well I just thought since we had a kid-"

"You think that just because you knocked up my nephew you that you can marry him without my permission?" Stan was now inches from his face.

"Grunkle Stan! You're being ridiculous. Shouldn't dip dip marry his baby's daddy anyways?."

I put my face down in embarrassment at the term baby's daddy being used.

"It doesn't matter though! I can't get married until I'm sixteen with my guardian's permission. Eighteen without permission." I said

"Oh maybe in the human world but, In the demon world. My world. That's something that we don't have to-"

"Ohhhh you think that I'm going to let you take him there and marry him?"

"Oh come on old man. He's literally a dad. I think that he can get married."

"No! What about school? Are you even planning on going back to school?" Stan asked looking back at me.

"I was going to start next semester." I stated

"He has school. He can't worry about getting married."

"He has a kid he can get married." Bill spoke.

"No!" Stan shouted.

"What about this" I budded in. "After I finish high school we'll worry about getting married. Nothings going to change from now to then. We can just wait."

"How much longer till you finish school?"

"Given that I'm a freshman I still have sophomore, junior, and senior year to complete."

I could hear Bill moan in frustration.

"Fine but, only if it's what Dipper wants."

"Okay I think that we have our plan then." Stan said before leaving the room.

"I actually thought that you guys would start pulling punches." Mabel said feeding Blade.

"Me too."

"I don't know what Stan's problem is. You guys have already had a child together. The moral thing would be to get married." Mabel said

"I don't know. I'm just glad that I'm not pregnant anymore. That was horrible."

"You wouldn't again? Ever?" Bill asked shocked.

"Not for a while."

"Well if you two decide to have more children aunty Mabel will be sure to be here. I love taking care of Blade."

"I'm going up stairs this talk about getting pregnant already makes me nauseous." I said walking up the stairs. "I'm going to shower and sleep."

"I'll join you!"

"What did you just say dream demon!!!" Stan yelled from the kitchen.

"Nothing!" Bill said quickly grabbing me and running into the bathroom.

Once we were in the bathroom we both bursted out laughing.

"I like visiting your family but, I can't wait to get back to our place. I just want to have some us time." Bill told stripping his clothing.

"That's hard when we're parents" I said doing the same thing as Bill.

"I can't believe we're parents."

"Me either but, it's nice. I enjoy being a family with you. I love our little daughter too." I began to turn the water on in the bath tub.

"Don't get me wrong. I love you and Blade I wouldn't trade you guys for anything but, I wish that all these wonderful things would've happened farther in the future. I feel like you weren't ready to Have a kid. You were really mature but, you were too young. If we did anything I should've been smart enough to-"

"-stop. I know things didn't happen ideally but, things are happening now. We have family that are supportive of us. We're in a good place right now." I got into the tub.

"I love you so much. Wanna have bath sex?" Bill asked climbing into the tub with me.

"You know that someone's going to hear us, right?"

"Yeah. I don't care as long you don't care."

"When Grunkle Stan is chewing you out later don't say a damn thing."

"I'm taking that as yes?"

"Just use protection this time."

"I don't  make the same mistake twice."

Currently is the intergalactic prison

Ford was currently holding a guard in a choke hold as he grabbed the keys from his waistband.

Ford sprinted towards the down stair exit. There was guards after him from all sides . Ford did what he could and escaped them barely.

He made his way down stairs where he saw what he was looking for. An escape pod. Perfect.

He high jacked the main controls and jumped inside.

"Please state your destination." A monotone voice spoke from inside the pod.

"Earth, Gravity falls."

The pod opened a portal and shot through it.

Ford was now back in his favorite town. The town that had shaped him into the criminal he was today. He wouldn't be surprised if within a couple days the intergalactic police would find him but, a couple days was all he needed to complete his revenge.

Ford stood at a distance as he looked down at the town.

"My Dipper. It's been a while. I wish that I would have succeeded with my torment a while back but, i will succeed this time. I don't want your body anymore. I want to see your dead corpse beaten to the ground! You fag. You traitor and whore!"

I'm continuing this story. I hope that you guys enjoy it.

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