Chapter thirty one: Epilogue

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I looked far into the cold dying world in front of me.

After I gave brith to Bill and I's second child he took him away. I didn't even have a chance to name him.

He took Blade too.

Bill was someone who I thought I loved. He was who I thought that I was going to spend eternity with.

He just used me.

Used me to create two half bread demons with crazy powers and ultimate strength.

Now from a window in my cell of Bill's flying castle I watched the world burn and be destroyed.

Why was I still alive? I just want to die.

I don't want to be here. I want to be gone. I want just want things to go back to the way they were. Before Bill came forth with his plan. Before he took my son and daughter away.

I miss his arms around me but, now every time I see him I feel disgusted. I don't want anything to do with him but, I just yearn for the his soft touch

He used me and convinced me that he loved me. He didn't change. He never did.

I should've listened to Ford or maybe I shouldn't have made that deal. Maybe I should've just killed myself a long time ago.

Everyone I know is dead. They have to be. There's no way that they survived this mess. Now its just the demons who rule. Torturing each other. Killing one another.

I cried as I stared at the world beneath me.

"Crying again?" Bill's voice echoed through the dungeon.

"Go away!"

"Do you really think that I'd be taking orders from you, Pine tree?"

"Don't call me that. You don't get that privilege."

"It's not a privilege it's a right especially since I own you now."

"Just go away, Bill."

"Bill? I think not Pine slut. Calling me by my name now that's a privilege. It's master now."

"Just what do you want from me! Haven't you done enough? You betrayed me and took my children away!"

"I want more children."

"No! I refuse!"

"You don't have a choice. I'll be back later to see my pine slut. Be ready."

Bill left.

I can't go on like this.

I can't.

I ripped the sheets off the small worn out bed Bill placed in my cell. There was bars on the of my cell. I stood on top of my bed and tied the knot while tying the sheet around my neck. I closed my eyes.

And jumped.

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