Chapter fourteen: the journals.

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"Their has to be something in the journals!" I yelled as I scrambled through them. 

We're not going to have enough time. We're not going to save him. They're both going to die and it's my fault.

I picked up the last journal and started flipping through trying to find something. Nothing.

"Fuck! We're never going go find the cure! We have only 7 hours left until it kills the baby!"

"Wait. I have an idea!" Mabel said as she ran to her room and pulled out a black light.

"Dipper used this a while back. It revealed secrets of the journal."

She clicked on the light and flipped through the empty pages of the 3rd journal. They all had secret things on them written in invisible ink. We flipped to the last page and saw a list of poisons and antidotes.

"Hex juice. A pink substance that can kill any human or living being. Used to kill mothers who were cursed with a demon child. The antidote is unicorn tears." Mabel yelled out loud.

"Unicorn tears? Where will we find a unicorn!"

"Don't worry. About a year ago I had some run ins with some not so nice unicorns. They kinda owe me." Mabel said walking out the door.

"Give me an hour I'll be back in no time and we'll save my brother!" 

One hour later

"Holy fuck! Those unicorns are tough. I even stole Fluffy's eye patch!" She yelled tossing the eye patch.

"Did you get the tears?"

"You bet I did!"

She pulled out a water bottle filled with unicorn tears. I looked at her skeptical.

"They cry a lot." She responded to my look.

"Let's just hurry up and save Pine Tree!" I yelled taking the bottle from her hand.

"This should help you." I told my unconscious lover.

I tilted his head up and slowly poorer the liquid into his mouth.

"It's okay now. You're safe." I said holding his frail body in my arms.

His eyes fluttered open.

"Pine Tree!"

"B-Bill." He stuttered.

"You're back! How do you feel?"

"Kinda sick-" he was interrupted by vomit.

He threw up all over the floor. I could see the pink elixir come up with it. I finally realized that my Pine Tree was safe

Sorry for the short chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it.

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