Chapter thirty: memory gun

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It had been a while since ford's death. I told the rest of the family of course of what happened I was out of school for a few days.

According to the gnomes towards the end of Ford's life he became really in touch with nature. We decided to burry his body deep into the forest.

When we made it back to the mystery shack that night after saying our goodbyes to him Bill took me to Ford's lab.

"Are you sure that you want to do this." Bill asked pulling out the memory gun.

"I just don't want to remember him anymore. I want to forget. I want to forget the pain."

"Some pains make us stronger and we can even learn from the people whose wronged us."

"Bill you say that as if you're trying to convince me not to."

"Its your choice I'm just saying that learning how to get through pain like this can make you stronger."

I went to say something in response but, then my head began to hurt. My eyes began shut and everything went dark again.

When I woke up I was in a black room.

I looked off into the distance and saw a very young Ford and a a mean looking Bill. This wasn't the same Bill I know now. His persona was something of anger and chaos.

"Bill, I-I know that you're busy but, could you stay and re through these notes just correct them?"

"Yeah fine. I have to do everything for you dumb mortals."

Bill viciously ripped the papers out of his hand.

You could see the smile that stretched across Ford's face.

I could feel everything that Ford was feeling. Happiness. Love. He was just glad that Bill was staying for a little while longer.

Bill read through the notes before saying "they're perfectly fine and Ford. Before you start having unrealistic fantasies of us two I ask that you don't do it around me. I can read minds you know!" Bill said with a bit of a snap in his voice.

Then there was another moment that flashed in front of me. It was the two talking to 8 ball.

"Tell me the future for us to come, 8 ball." bill asked

"I can only tell you some vague things." 8 ball responded.

"Bill this weirdmaggedon thing will happen but not for the reason you want it to."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. You'll meet a boy with the names pines-"

"I've already met a guy with the name pines."

"You'll meet another. He'll have a big part in your life

"What kind part? Good? Bad?"

"Oh I can see this part of your future very well with this pines boy. Let's just say that he'll be your downfall and uprising."

"Hmmm? Interesting. Now what about Ford here? Can you tell him his future?"

"Hahaha. Don't be silly this mans future isn't even worth telling!"

"What does that mean?" Ford asked

"I'll just say it like this you're going to do things that not even a demon like Bill would do."

"What kind of things?"

"Despicable things."

The memories faded to a time when Ford was a bit older. He had some grey in hair but couldn't have been but only thirty.

"Bill! Please don't go!"

"I have to leave. I have better things to do."

"We had a deal!"

"Not anymore!"

"Bill! Just stay! You don't have to do anymore work! Just stay here please!"

"I'm not staying if I've completed everything that I need to be done."

"I understand."

"Do you? Because I think that you just want me to stay because you have some weird fantasy of us being together!!! I think that you just want me to turn nice or something and go running into your arms!?"

"No it's just..."

"No Ford! You've just fallen in love with a demons and know you don't know what to do!"

Ford was almost in tears now.

"Am I right!?" Bill yelled

"Get out! And never come back Bill!"

"Good I wasn't planning on coming back anyways!"

I woke up and found myself in Bills arms.

"What did you do?"

"Those were some memories of the Ford I once knew. Remembering someone isn't so bad."

"I just don't want to remember what he did to me, Bill."

"Forgetting about him completely isn't the way to go though. If I'm doing this I'm only erasing the horrible memories."


"I'm not going to let you completely forget him."


I sat back and felt bill use the machine. He completely erased all memory of what Ford has done to me.

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