Chapter seven: Television

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I woke up with Bill's arm around my waist. It felt so right at the moment but, we were covered in sweat, cum and the smell of sex.

"Bill." I whispered nuzzling into his neck.

"What is it, Pine Tree?"

"We should probably get up." I whispered before kissing him.

"Yeah we should probably bathe too." He said smiling.

"I agree." I said getting up leading Bill to the. Bathroom.

I reached down into the tub and let the bath water run. I could feel Bill's hands around my body as I leaned back up.

"Billllll." I whined not needing a replay of last night. My ass already ached.

"Fine, I'll stop but, tonight you're mine." He purred into my ear kissing me.

For a solid five minutes we spent making out in the tub as the water poured on us. Until the water began to pour from the tub.

I laughed and turned off the water. Bill pulled me back down into the tub as the water shut off.

"You're very dirty, Pine Tree. I think that someone should wash you." He said sitting me between his legs and washing my hair.

He splashed some water over me and washed the soap out of my hair.

"Now, my favorite part." He spoke licking my neck.

I could feel his hands moving up and down my body, Lathering soap across it. It took every part of me not to moan with every touch.

I grabbed his hand as he started to make his way to my lower region.

"Not so fast." I said." You're just as dirty as me."

I saw a smile crawl across his face as we switched positions.

"Dipper, I love it when you touch me like this." He whispered as my hands traced the his body in soap.

"Just wait till tonight."


After an hour or so of sexy words Bill ended up receiving a blow job.

After our bath I laid down on his couch in his living area. Bill laid next to me. My head on his chest. Our hands interlocked as we watched Duck detective.

That's when suddenly breaking news flashed across the screen

*Breaking News*

"A teenage boy and adult man was seen today in the local Food Lion in Oregon. The clip below shows them disappearing instantly. Researchers from across America are working on uncovering this mystery. We have yet to identify the Adult man but, the teenage boy has been identified by family members a county over. "

*The screen flashed a clip of the gang from gravity falls as Grunkle Ford spoke*

"The teenage boy here, is named Mason *Dipper* Pines. He was kidnapped by the man above. His name Bill cipher and he's very dangerous. If you see him do not engage."

I looked over to Bill. His mouth was open in shock. He hadn't realize what he got himself into.

"Dipper." He said firmly.


"You know that I love you, right?"

"Of course!" I said cupping his cheek.

"Then you'll understand why I'm doing this." He said  before snapping his fingers.

In a blue mist I was back home- I was back at Gravity Falls. I was sitting inside the mystery shack. I looked around and saw that everyone was asleep. I saw Soos sleeping on the couch and Wendy in a sleeping bag.

I looked around and saw nothing of Bill. My heart slowly started to break. Did he leave me here?  How could he?

I caught a glimpse on my palm. There was something written in pen. It read; I love you. See you in a few weeks.

What the Hell did this mean? Is he coming back? Why did he leave- it's because of my family isn't it? He thought that this was easier.

I'll have a few weeks. A few weeks to convince them that I love Bill.

I love this story so much. Just because there's a real plot going on there will still be smut. Also what about a little bit of Bill's point of view. I think that everyone will like the next chapter. It'll be interesting.

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