Chapter One

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~ Hermione Granger ~

A month has passed since the Battle of Hogwarts. We won the war and Voldemort is dead so why do all of us survivors feel like shit? Because we lost love ones in the process of our victory.

I lost my parents because of the memory charm that I placed on them. Not even the ministry can return their memories.

Leaving me alone in their old house; without them. All of the Weasley's have said that I'm welcome to come and stay with them at the Burrow but I can't. I can't be constantly reminded that they lost Fred in the war. I guess Harry feels the same way because he's been staying at twelve Grimmauld Place ever since the war ended.

Ron and I aren't together and there's been some awkwardness between the two of us ever since we kissed in the Chamber of Secrets. Another reason for me to not stay at the Burrow.

At least my parents are safe and happy in their new life in Australia. They even adopted a little girl and named her 'Hermione'. Mum always used to tell me how much she and Dad loved my name and it was the only name they would give a girl if they had one.

Most days I just sit around and read a book that I've probably already read before. But today I'm going to clear out the attic.

I make my way upstairs and into the attic. It's a spacious room that's filled with boxes and old furniture. Most of the boxes are filled with family photo albums and my baby stuff.

I start to move the box closet to the exit when a black lock box in the corner of the room catches my eye. I approach it with an arched eyebrow. I grab it and try to open it. Of course it's locked.

I pull out my wand with a sigh.

"Alohomora" I say softly.

The lid of the lock box opens and inside are a bunch of folders. I place the lock box on the floor and quickly follow it down.

I pull the top most folder out of the box and open it. What resides inside makes my mouth open. An adoption form with my name on it?

I continue reading and also see my parents' names on it. I scowl at the paper and put it down, not wanting to read anymore.

Apparently the Granger's aren't my real parents. And they never thought to tell
me? It's not like I gave them a chance to before I turned eighteen but they still should've beforehand! Tears threaten to fall but I don't allow them to. This isn't something to cry over.

With a heavy sigh I pick the form back up and continue reading. It says that they adopted me when I was three and a half months old. I wonder who my real parents are?

Could they be wizards? Or are they just a different muggle couple? It doesn't matter, they gave me up so they clearly don't want anything to do with me.

"What the hell" I mutter as I drop the adoption form.

The name I never wanted to see on this was on it. And that name is Severus Snape.

How is it possible that he of all people is my biological father?

I keep reading and see that the only name under biological parents is Snape's name. Who's my mother? What if she's dead?

Holy Shit! Snape's still alive, even though everyone thought that the snake bite would've killed him. At least I know that one of my parents is alive.

I go through the rest of the folder and find two small letters. It says that both are from Snape so I decide to read the shorter one first.

Dear Mr and Mrs Granger,

I cannot thank you enough for adopting my little girl. She would not be safe with me like she would be with you two. The only information that you two need is that her birthday is September 19th, 1979 and that her name must be changed. Her name is Alannah Jade Snape. And for no reason at all tell her about the adoption. She will be safer not knowing.

My Thanks,
Severus Snape

Did he send me away because of Voldemort? That must be the reason! I pull out the other letter and start reading it.

Dearest Alannah,

Let me start this letter off by saying how much your mother and I don't want to give you up. But your mother and I were never truly together. She is married to another man. I will tell you whom she is at the end of this letter. If you are to be anything like her you will be extremely smart and stubborn. I just hope you don't end up like me. Your mother placed a Glamour Charm on you the day you were born and it should come off when you truely accept your identity. Your godfather is Sirius Black and your godmother is Petunia Dursley. Your mother is Lily Potter. I hope you never have to find out the truth because your life will become hectic if you do, not including the reaction of the Wizarding World.

With Love,
Severus Snape

Lily Potter is my biological mother? How is that possible? She was married to James Potter, Harry's dad. That means she cheated on James with Snape. Did she use concealment charms during her pregnancy? She must've or I would be known to the world as Harry Potter's older sister.

Accept my true identity? How am I supposed to do that?

I jump up and rush downstairs. I run into my bedroom and sit down at my desk. I need to write a very quick letter to Snape.

I grab a piece of parchment and a ball-point pen. I don't have the time to get my ink well and quill out so I'll have to make due.

Dear Professor Snape,

I know about the adoption.

Hermione Granger

I roll up the letter and call my owl Zelda. I tye it to her ankle and send her off.

How am I supposed to explain this to Harry, Ron, and Ginny? Especially Harry.

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