Ruby Red

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     You woke up to the sound of someone opening your cell door. "Get up, inmate!" The guard said. You sat up and groaned. "Aww, come on Nicky. Don't be that way." You teased. He shook his head. "Take these," He said, handing you some pills. You reluctantly took the pills and swallowed them. They were supposed to help with your anger, the voices, and many other things, but they didn't really do anything.

     "Let's go inmate," He said, leading you to the common room. You probably should have been handcuffed, but it was Arkham. Once you were in the common room, you saw that none of your friends were here, so you decided to sit by yourself and wait.

While you were waiting, you heard someone take the seat across from you. You looked up and saw a girl around your age, with brown, curly hair, blue eyes, and dark skin. "Hi!" She exclaimed, smiling. "Hi," You said, equally excited. "I'm Ruby Jameson." She greeted.

     You nodded. "Y/N Y/L/N." You said. "So, whatcha in for?" She asked. You shrugged. "Killed my dad, my boyfriend's mom, the girl that liked my boyfriend, and her mom." You said. You looked at her and saw she was smiling. "Wow. I killed my sister," She said.

     You were about to say something, when she peeked up and started talking. "Who is that?" She asked. You followed her gaze and saw it landed on a boy; Jerome. You growled silently before turning towards her. "Jerome Valeska," You said through gritted teeth. "What'd he do?" She asked. "Killed his mom."

     She looked above you again and took in a deep breath. "He's coming over here!" She whisper-yelled. You looked behind you again and saw that Jerome was walking towards you. He smiled at you and jumped in the seat next to you. "Hello ladies," He said. Ruby's eyes widened. He looked at Ruby and tilted his head. "I haven't seen you here before. New?" He asked. She nodded. "Yeah. I'm Ruby Jameson. I killed my sister," she said. Jerome slowly nodded and looked at you before turning back to Ruby. "Jerome Valeska. I killed my mom, this dickhead that was trying to get with my girlfriend, my girlfriend's father, and this chick and her mom." He said. Ruby looked down sadly. "You have a girlfriend?" She asked.

     He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "You didn't know that?" He asked, looking at you. You shrugged and he looked back. "No," she said, still looking down. "But you know her. She didn't say anything?" He asked. She shook her head, but looked up in confusion. "The only person I've talked to is Y/N," she said, pointing to you. You looped your arm with Jerome's and smiled. "Oops. Did I forget to mention that he was my boyfriend?" You asked. "Sorry, Ruby Red, but hey! There are plenty of guys that would love to be with you! I'll help!" You said standing up with Jerome. "Tomorrow," you said, dragging Jerome towards your table.

     He chuckled at you once you both sat down. "You are evil, doll face." He said. You rolled your eyes. "And she was needy," You said, causing him to chuckle. You looked around the table and saw that everybody was just sitting there staring into space, playing with their fingers, or doing other boring shit. "Ugh," You groaned, causing everybody to look at you.

"This place is so boring!" You exclaimed. Sionis scoffed. "Well it is an asylum. What are they gonna do? Give us puppies?" He asked sarcastically, but you decided to ignore him. "They could do something. Like give us board games, or movies. Even a fucking book is better than nothing!" You shouted, causing some people from other tables to look at you. "Quiet inmate!" One of the guards yelled. You rolled your eyes and continued your rant.

"I mean it," You said. "They're boring us to death, not curing us." You looked around and saw everyone thinking. It made you proud to know that you got to them. "She's right," Jerome said. "We don't have anything to do, except being tortured, drugged, and other bullshit. What ever happened to being treated fairly? We're the ones that are the murderers. We are the ones that should be scaring them, not the other way around. We need to use that as an advantage." He argued.

After awhile of silence, you thought for sure you had been ignored. "Surprisingly, they're right." Greenwood said. "We can't keep acting like dogs and follow their every order." You smirked. "Yes," Aaron said. You nodded, knowing that he meant that he agreed. Dobkins nodded at you, so you turned to Richard. He sighed. "Let's do it," he said, causing everyone to cheer.

You looked at Jerome with a dark smirk that could only mean one thing; something bad was about to happen. Jerome nodded, understanding what you were saying with your smile. He jumped up on top of the table, holding his hand out for you to grab. You took his hand and joined him on the table, turning to the other inmates. You looked around and noticed that the guards were nowhere to be seen. Of course, voice #2 said. That reminded you, you would have to name your friends at some point, can't be rude.

"Arkham inmates!" Jerome exclaimed. "I am Jerome Valeska, and this," he said, motioning to you. "Is the beautiful and talented, Y/N Y/L/N!" You looked around and noticed many of the inmates practically drooling over you. You turned to Jerome and saw the anger in his face. He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you into his chest. "Mine," He hissed. Once everyone composed themselves, he started smiling again. "We are speaking to you today, to start something we all know and love!" He held his arms out. "Chaos."

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