Very Soon

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"I'm so sorry, ma'am. Apparently, Master Bruce doesn't like to watch where he is going," the older man said. You shook your head. "It's no problem," you said with the accent. "I should have been paying more attention. I mean, how did I not see Bruce Wayne? It must be the mask."

They both chuckled while you smiled. "Anyway, I really must get going. The show is about to start." Bruce shook his head. "Oh, yes. I'm sorry that we held you."

"No, it was fine. Who wouldn't want to talk to you, Brucie boy?" You asked. He looked at you weirdly before you turned to the man. "It was nice meeting you..." you trailed off, waiting for his name. "Alfred Pennyworth," he said shaking your hand. "I hope you have a nice night, Miss," Bruce said. You smirked. "Don't worry, we'll be seeing each other again very soon."

Bruce went to say something, but you spun around and walked away before he could. You decided to sit at one of the tables that was pretty empty. There was one that was on the side, where literally nobody was sitting. You took a seat and waited for the show to begin.

You looked around and saw that Theo was talking with a man. You recognized him as Harrison Kane. You watched as Tabitha walked up, and began talking. She said something that made the man look at her and Theo uncomfortably. When Kane walked away, Tabitha said something to Theo before walking towards the door.

     On her way out, she looked at you and froze for a second. You could tell she knew something. You narrowed your eyes at her, but she couldn't tell because of the mask. She looked down and continued to walk out of the gala.

     Your attention was drawn to the stage as the crowd began clapping and Dr. Thompkins walked onto the stage. "Good evening," she began. "I am Dr. Lee Thompkins. For the past five years, I've had the honor of being part of the Children's Hospital. Thank you for your support, and thank you so much for coming out tonight.

     "Over the years, we've had magicians come and entertain our children. And so tonight, we have one of the magicians here for you. Without further ado, please allow me to present to you, The Great Rudolpho!" She introduced.

     The spot light turned to a woman in a pink outfit, that you knew was Barbara, standing in front of a blue and yellow box. She turned to open the box, but when she did, it was empty. The clapping started dying down, causing her to look in the box. She faked a gasp, before turning and closing the door. When she opened it again, it revealed Jerome, dressed as a a magician.

     He had a black mask on, a tuxedo, a top hat, and a fake beard and mustache. You giggled at the look before turning and looking behind you. You saw that Lee had walked and joined Bruce and Alfred. You silently got up and started to make your way over there.

     You stood in the corner while watching the show. Jerome was making his way to the main stage while you were waiting for a good time to go over to Bruce and them. "Good evening, ladies and germs!" He greeted. His words instantly made you think back to the time that Theo had you, Jerome, Greenwood, and Dobkins practice your stage presence. You smiled at the memory.

     "I am indeed the Great Rudolpho," he said before him and Barbara both bowed. "Please ogle my assistant." You watched as he motioned at Barbara, making you slightly jealous, but you know she wouldn't do anything like that to you.

     Jerome pulled his red handkerchief out and held it up before revealing a rose. The crowd gasped before clapping. He handed it to Barbara, who threw it off of the stage. He held the handkerchief up again, but this time, revealed a dove. He showed it to everyone before letting it fly away.

     "For my first act, I'll require a volunteer! Let me see..." Jerome started, closing his eyes and turning his head away from the crowd. "Duck, duck, duck, duck," he said, pointing to random people in the crowd. "Duck, duck, duck, goose."

You followed the direction of his hand and saw that he was pointing at Bruce. You smiled and took your chance. While you were walking towards the boy, you could tell he was hesitant. You saw Barbara reach the group and wait for Bruce with her hand out.

You skipped over to them and smiled. "C'mon, Brucie! Let loose! It's not like he's gonna kill ya!" You exclaimed, looking at Jerome. You smirked, turning to Bruce. "Well, at least I don't think he will."

Bruce slowly looked at Barbara before grabbing her hand. Everybody applauded as he walked up to the stage with Babs. You hopped next to Alfred and smiled before wiping a fake tear. "They grow up so fast!" He turned to you and smiled uncomfortably.

"Hello, young man. Please," Jerome said, motioning to the box. Bruce laid down and Barbara and Jerome closed it. Jerome turned and grabbed two huge blades before turning to the boy. "Does this handsome gentleman have a name?"

"Bruce," the boy said. "Bru-sah!" Jerome shouted. "Well, Bruce, this won't hurt a bit." He slapped the blades together, smiling. "Is there a doctor in the house?" The crowd began laughing and you turned to Alfred, seeing that he was shifting uncomfortably.

As Jerome began to position the blades so he could insert them in Bruce, Alfred began shouting. "No! Just excuse- Just Wait! Wait! Wait one second!" Jerome stared him in the eye as he shoved the blades deep into Bruce.

Barbara pulled away Bruce's lower half to prove that he was fine. Jerome leaned down and whispered something in his ear before they both began waving. Barbara pushed his legs back in place and they let the boy go.

"Some say Bruce has a split personality!" Jerome joked as Barbara led him back to you. "Very good, Master Bruce," Alfred praised while Barbara blew him a kiss. When she turned away, you ruffled Bruce's hair. "See? Wasn't that bad, was it!?" You asked with your fake accent.

You turned back to the stage just in time to see Jerome speak again. "For my next illusion, I'd like to call to the stage esteemed deputy mayor, Harrison Kane!" Barbara walked and grabbed the man's hand, leading him to the stage.

Lee turned to Alfred and you. "Is there something familiar to you about those two?" She asked. You inhaled sharply. Your head quickly snapped to the stage. Barbara was pushing a cart up to the front of the stage before ripping a cloth off of the cart. She bowed after she pulled the cloth off, causing her to whip her head and have her mask fall off.

Barbara looked at you and Lee with a shocked expression. "Oh my god!" Lee exclaimed. Barbara grabbed her mask and winked at Lee before putting her mask back on.

You watched Lee back up and pull her phone out, no doubt calling Gordon. "Dammit, Barbara," you seethed to yourself. You slowly began sneaking over to Lee, listening to her conversation.

"Jim, it's Barbara! She's here. And I think maybe Jerome, which means Y/N isn't far behind-" you watched as one of Theo's men put a piece of cloth over her mouth, causing her to pass out. You turned to the stage and sighed. "Guess it's time to join the show!"

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