End of it All

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     Jerome had left with Tabitha about an hour ago. They had to take care of the original magician that was supposed to perform tonight. You were still getting ready to leave with Babs and Theo.

     Theo and Babs had an odd relationship. They sometimes acted as if the were a couple, but other times they were quite mean to each other.

     You heard a knock on your door and turned. You saw Barbara standing there with her hair up in a bun and she was in her costume, but was wearing a cape over it. "Hey, Y/N," she greeted. "Hi, Babs," you said, turning back to your outfit that was laid out on the bed.

     You were wearing the beautiful red dress that you and Tabitha picked out with the black heels you bought that day, too. (Picture above). Your hair was going to be down and curled, just like you knew Jerome would like it.

Barbara walked over to you, looking at your dress and gasping. "Y/N, it's beautiful!" She exclaimed. You nodded. "It is." She looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. "What's wrong?" She asked. You shrugged. "Something just feels... off," you confessed. She slowly nodded at you, as if she knew something. "Probably just the nerves. This is gonna be our biggest performance yet!" She exclaimed.

You turned to her. "Barbara, Theo said he would let us go after tonight," you confessed. She looked at you with shock before sitting down on the bed. "Oh." You sat down next to her, moving your dress so it wouldn't get ruined.

"Are you going to leave?" You asked. She continued to stare at the wall. "I don't know," she confessed. "I can't leave Tabitha, me and her have gotten very close." You nodded, grabbing her hand, causing her to look at you. "Take her with you." She stared at you for a moment before smiling. "I will!"

She was beaming at you before frowning again. "But what about Jim?" You sighed. "Babs, you're too good for that lame ass Detective. All he cares about is himself and that plain Jane girlfriend of his." She shook her head. "He's so different once you get to know him. He's the best man I've ever known. I was so happy with him."

You opened your mouth to talk, but her head snapped up to yours. "He's like my Jerome," she said, causing you to freeze. That's when you realized why she wanted to be with him so much. He makes her happy and strong and she feels like herself with him. She doesn't have to be afraid if she's being too clingy or annoying. She's so happy and free with him, that everything seems so good, even when it's not. It doesn't matter if everybody thinks it's wrong, all that mattered was him.

You smiled at her. "You shouldn't give up on him. He's gonna come around one day, Barb. He'll see just how much he needs you." She hugged you before standing up. "Thank you, Y/N!" She exclaimed before walking out.

You looked down at your dress and sighed. "Guess tonight is the end of the Maniax, once and for all."

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