Having A Little Fun

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     You stared at Theo emotionless as he walked up to the stage. "You need to pack up your pathetic little sideshow and leave," he said. You rolled your eyes and put your hands on your hips. "Is that right?" Jerome asked as if Theo was 10.

     "It may be presumptuous to speak for all the citizens of Gotham, but we are sick of you! You're a small, vicious man and a hopeless, little girl, with a pathetic need for attention," he spat. You and Jerome both bowed, smiling.

     "Enough, man," he began to beg. "For God sakes, enough." Jerome put a finger up to stop him. "I'm curious what your leverage is here, Mr..." Theo did a dramatic turn to the camera, making it quite obvious he was a phony. "Theo Galavan."

     "Well, Mr. Theo Galavan," Jerome said, mocking Galavan. "If you don't sit down," he started, fixing Theo's hair. "I'm gonna shoot you, in the face." He walked away from the man, giving you time to have fun.

     You slowly walked up to Theo. "Don't worry, bud!" You exclaimed. "I'm not gonna let Jerome hurt you that bad! Well, not until I have my share." You walked away, giggling.

     Theo turned to you and Jerome. "I know there is some human decency left in you both. If you need to take a hostage, take me, but let these people go home! To their families, to their children!" You crossed your arms and leaned in. "Why should they get to have a happy family if we never did?" You hissed.

     All of a sudden, Theo collapsed and you saw Barbara behind him, holding a mallet. "Boring," she said. "Right," Jerome agreed. He turned to you and smiled. "You haven't gotten to have any fun tonight, have you?" He asked. You put your finger to your chin as if you were thinking. "Well, I did have to sit out on the magic show, and I had to deal with Lee and the billionaire boy, so, no, I haven't."

     He chuckled before turning to the crowd. He paced the stage before pointing at random people on the crowd. "Eeny, meeny, miny, moe," he began. "Catch a blah, blah, blah, you!" He exclaimed. You saw that he was pointing at a rather fat man in the front. You smiled as the men went and grabbed the man.

     They dragged the man up and made him stand at the front of the stage. Jerome pulled you up to the man and motioned to the cart that you saw Barbara bring out earlier. You saw that it had many guns and knives on it. "Here," he said, handing you a gun.

     "You!" He said, pointing to somebody in the crowd. "Give me that apple!" The citizen grabbed the apple and ran up to the stage, handing it to Jerome. "Thanks," he said, shooting the person. He must have grabbed a gun while you weren't looking. "Oops." He shrugged.

(This next part is gonna be a lot like a part I did in my Jerome Imagines book, which you should check out😉😉 The imagine is called Body of Scars)

     He put the apple on the guys head and you raised the gun up, aiming at the apple. "Stay very still," Jerome ordered the man. You heard him inhale deeply from behind you. You began to giggle at the look of pure horror on the man's face. "Thanks for this!" You chirped up. "I haven't been able to work on my aim in awhile! This is gonna be great.... for me anyway."

"Don't lie, doll," Jerome disciplined. "You've never had aim practice before." You began to giggle. "You're right!" Jerome watched as you were about to pull the trigger before stopping you. "I can't look!" He said. "Someone tell me how it turns out!"

You glanced behind you and saw that he was looking away and covering his eyes. You looked back at the man and smirked. Right when you were about to pull the trigger, you felt a pressure on your arm. You looked and saw that Jerome was pushing your arm down so you were aiming for his head. You shrugged and pulled the trigger.

You waited for the man's brains to decorate the people behind him, but you were quite surprised to find that all that came out of the gun was water. "Damn!" You heard Jerome shout, taking the gun from you. You spun around and watched as he grabbed the other gun and handed it to you. "Turn around," he ordered the man.

The man slowly turned around and waited for you. You aimed the gun at the apple and shot. The bullet hit the apple, causing it to explode into pieces. You pulled the gun up to your lips and blew off the muzzle. Jerome and you looked around at the crowd as they cowered in fear.

"Well, clap!" He ordered. Suddenly, the crowd all applauded for you both, causing you to laugh. You turned around when you heard Babs talking. You saw she was talking to Lee, but you decided to ignore that. That was her business.

You walked into the crowd and decided to mess around. You began to run your finger along the back of people's necks and heads and shoulders, laughing when they flinched. For some, you would jump at them or shout, causing them to scream.

You turned around when you heard a groan of pain. You saw that Barbara was hunched over and suddenly grabbed a knife, and was about to stab Lee before Jerome grabbed her hand. "Hasn't been ten minutes," he pointed out as you walked back to the stage.

He ripped he knife out of her hands and turned around. "We need to buy you a watch." While he was turned away, Barbara brought her fist back and punched Lee in the face. Jerome looked and rolled his eyes, but you giggled. He strode up to the mic and smiled.

"Well! I thinks it's time for tonight's first official victim!"

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