Leaving It All Behind

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Frozen. Suddenly, everything was frozen. Nobody moved, nobody breathed, nothing. They were all frozen. Theo was frozen, holding Jerome up as he was plunging the knife into his neck. Jim and Alfred were frozen with looks of shock. You were frozen with a look of horror.

This couldn't be happening. This was just another nightmare. Soon, you would wake up and be back at the circus. Or even better, you would be the one being stabbed in the neck.

As fast as it stopped, it all started again. Jerome began falling to the floor, Theo slowly letting him down. Finally, you came back to your senses.

"No!" You shouted. You ran up to the stage and pushed Theo away from your dying boyfriend. You sat on your knees and picked Jerome up in your arms. "Hi, J. Come on, handsome. We gotta go! Jim's gonna get us!" You exclaimed.

     Jerome slowly looked at you and put his hand on your face. You saw that there was blood all over him. It was pouring from his neck, his mouth, his nose, even his eyes. "Y/N..... run, doll. You have to go." You shook your head rapidly. "No! Not without you! Come on, J! Get up! We have to go! Theo said he'd let us go! Remember? We're starting over. You can't leave me alone right when we were about to begin!" You shouted.

     Jerome used all of his might to gently kiss your lips. The kiss was just like your guys's first, making you cry even more. "I love you..." he choked out. You nodded. "I love you, too, handsome." He began to slowly fall away, causing you to shake your head. "No! I can't lose you! Not again! You promised!"

     He turned to you one last time before saying, "I'm sorry..." Then, he was gone. You took one last look at him and saw that he was smiling. You sat there, crying with him in your arms. After a second you laid him down and jumped up. "You!" You shouted, pointing at Theo. "You lied!" You began running towards the man.

     You went to punch him, but he blocked your hand from connecting with his face. You saw him swing his other arm at you, causing an immense pain to break out on your cheek. You brought your hand up and felt a warm liquid. You looked at your hand and saw blood. He cut you. That bitch cut you.

With the same knife that he used to kill Jerome.

We told you not to believe him. Should've listened.

     "Y/N Y/L/N!" You heard Jim shout. You turned and saw he was pointing his gun at you. "You are under arrest for the murder of seven innocent men, nine more cops, Sarah Essen, and many others!" You stared at him in anger.

     "Whaddya gonna do, Jimbo!? Arrest me? Throw me back in the looney bin just so I can escape again. Or..." you said, looking at Theo. He was looking at you with furrowed eyebrows, but you only smirked before turning back to Jim.

     "Are ya gonna be a good boy and let me go. Cause if ya do, I'll give ya some info that you really want," you said. Jim slowly raised his gun. "What kind of information?" You turned to Barbara and saw her motioning to your guys's escape route. "The good kind."

     You ran to the platform and waited for Barbara. "Get them!" Lee shouted, but they were too late. The curtains went up and you guys were out. You ran with Babs out of the building, exiting on the other side of it.

     When you were out, she turned to you. "Are you okay?" She asked. You looked at her and felt all of the pain suddenly fill you. You lost him. He was really gone. Again. "He's not coming back, is he?" You asked. She shook her head and pulled you in for a hug, letting you cry onto her shoulder. "No, sweetie. I'm afraid he's not."

After a few seconds of vulnerability, you pulled away from Barbara and wiped the tears from your face. "I have to go. I can't let Theo kill me." Barbara nodded. "Where are you going?" She asked. You shrugged. "I don't know, but I'll be back soon enough. Trust me, Babs. Once you're used to not havin' me here, I'll be back, so don't like it, too, much." She smiled.

"Goodbye, Y/N." She said. You began to walk away before stopping, still not turning back to Barbara. "Babs," you called. "Yeah?" You looked over your shoulder at her. "Take care of what's left of him while I'm gone. Make sure he gets everything he deserved." She nodded at you. "Of course." You smiled before walking away.

     You were walking away from everything you came back to. Gotham, your friends.... what was left of Jerome. And with it, you left all that you remembered of your past...


     So that's the end of "Get Them Back"! This has been such a fun and crazy ride and I can't wait to start posting the third book! See you soon!!!


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