Dress Shopping

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-After the GCPD Massacre-

     You and Jerome walked into the penthouse silently. Neither of you knew how Theo would react when you told him that Greenwood was dead. It wasn't part of the plan, but he needed to go. It was his time.

You heard footsteps coming down the hallway and you and Jerome stopped. Theo walked out with his arms out. He froze when he saw it was only you two and dropped his hands. "Where's Greenwood?" He asked. "Well, ya see-" you started. "I killed him," Jerome admitted.

Theo narrowed his eyes at him. "You what?" Jerome shrugged. "I killed him. He wasn't following the plan, soooo, I killed him." Theo studied Jerome for a minute before smiling. "Well, if he wasn't following the plan..."

You stared at the boys with your mouth hung open. Theo turned to you still smiling. "Jerome, if you don't mind, I would like to have a word with Y/N." Jerome nodded. "Sure thing." He turned to you and winked before walking away.

    Theo waited until Jerome's footsteps were farther away before he walked towards you. "I told you the other day that I had bigger plans for you and Jerome, and I was telling the truth. You two and Barbara will be attending the Gotham Children's Hospital Gala. Barbara will be his assistant while you will be in the crowd, disguised as a civilian."

     You crossed your arms. "Why can't I be his assistant?" you asked. He chuckled. "Normally, I would let you, but I told Barbara that she could have this one." You rolled your eyes. "Whatever, but how am I gonna get a dress and stuff?"

     He held a finger up. "Tabitha will be taking you out in about twenty minutes to get a dress and whatever else you need." You nodded. "Why aren't you telling Jerome this with me?" He chuckled, shaking his head. "You sure do ask a lot of questions. I wanted to let you know the basis before you left. I will being going more into detail with Jerome while you are gone."

     You looked at him for a second. "Fine. I'm gonna go get ready. See ya later," You said, running to your room. When you got there, you saw that Jerome was laying on your bed, asleep. He was on the covers, so he obviously fell asleep waiting for you. You smiled and grabbed a blanket and threw it over him.

     You were no longer mad about earlier, but knew that you guys would have to talk about it at some point. You leaned down and kissed his forehead, causing him to stir, but he fell back into a deep sleep.

     You grabbed a pair of normal clothes and took a quick shower and did your hair. Once you got out, you saw that Tabitha was sitting at your desk while Jerome was still sleeping. She looked up at you and smirked. "You really tired him out, eh?" She joked, motioning towards Jerome. You chuckled. "Let's go. I wanna get a good dress before they're all gone."


Tabitha and you were looking for dresses at another one of those shops on the quiet side of Gotham. You still haven't found the dress yet. You wanted one that was simple, sexy, and would wow Jerome at the same time.

     You decided to just buy some normal black high heels that you knew Jerome would like, but you couldn't find a fucking dress. Tabitha had already found multiple dresses, which made you kind of jealous.

     You had contemplated going to the store and seeing that woman you met last time. Why had her daughter been so important again? You stood there waiting for the answer to come. Finally, you remembered. Her daughter brought you back from the future!

     "Y/N!" Tabitha called for you. You saw her waving her hand in the air, calling her over to you. You walked over there and crossed your arms. "What is it- OH MY GOD!" You exclaimed.

     Tabitha was holding the most beautiful red dress ever. It was long sleeved, but revealed your shoulders, and was poofy at the bottom. You stared at it in awe. "Well?" Tabitha asked.

     You walked up and grabbed it from her. "It's beautiful! This is it! This is the dress! Oh, Jerome's gonna love it!" You exclaimed. You looked at Tabby and saw that she was looking at you with sad-filled-eyes. "What is it?" You asked. She shook her head.

     "It's just, I want you to know that recently I've been realizing that Theo's intentions aren't as pure as we all thought. He fooled all of us. He only cares about getting what he wants, even if it means taking down you guys and me," she said sadly. "What are you talking about?" You asked.

     She looked up with tears in here eyes. "Theo Galavan is not the boy that I grew up with! He's changed and he's a horrible, horrible man. He's planning on turning you and Jerome in tomorrow at the gala. He said he's tried to get you to leave Jerome and join him, but you won't, and now, he's making sure you both go to Arkham," she confessed.

     You stared at her dumbfounded. Tears began to form in your eyes. How could you not see this? You are one very stupid girl.

Kill him. Make him suffer.

     The voices. How are they back? They had been gone for days...

You really thought you could get rid of us? Sorry, that's not how the world works!

But hey! Why don't you get rid of Theo. He's the reason we were gone for so long in the first place...

     You shook your head before looking at her. "Jerome and I have to leave," you said. Tabitha nodded. "And you guys will! But not tonight. He has the place surrounded. There's no way you guys would make it out. Before the gala, that's when we'll do it. He won't be expecting it." You nodded. "So I guess I won't need this," You said holding up the dress.

     Tabitha scoffed and grabbed the dress. "No, honey. We're still getting the dress. Ya see, he still has to think that we are going to the gala. And, you're gonna look hot in it." I giggled and nodded. "I do love the color red..."

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