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     You were sat in-between Jerome and Barbara. You guys still haven't left yet. All Theo had to do was tell you his plan. You and the rest of the group, except for Barbara and Aaron, were dressed in police uniforms. Babs was in a tan trench coat, pants, boots, and red gloves. Aaron was still wearing the uniform from earlier.

     You were staring at the table. You were still a little shook up after your fight with Jerome. You forgot how mad he could get and how easily. You felt something on your thigh and saw that it was Jerome's hand rubbing your thigh. You looked up and saw that he was looking at you with regret filled eyes. You stared at him for a second, but looked away when you heard Theo walk in.

     "Now, as I'm sure you've all heard, our plan earlier didn't exactly go as planned, but it still helped shake Gordon and the rest of the GCPD up." You looked at Jerome with your eyebrows furrowed. He never told you that. "Sadly, he continued, Dobkins was shot by one of the police officers." You again looked at him with turmoil. Why had nobody told you this?

     "I think we could kill two birds with one stone because of this. We have Gordon in the palm of our hands, and we need revenge for Dobkins. So, you guys are going to go to the GCPD, and have a little fun. This is the plan..."


*Jim's P.O.V.*

     I ran up the stairs to my desk. "Hey, Alvarez!" I called to the other detective. "Yo," he called back, as the phone started ringing. "Let Ballistics know we got a red-ball for them, will ya?" I asked. "On it!" He said as I answered the phone.

     "Gordon," I answered. "Hello, Jim," the person said. "It's Barbara." I froze before looking at the phone as if it held all the answers to my questions.

     "Hi, Barbara," I said as if it was just a normal conversation with an old friend. "How are you?"

     "Oh, me?" She asked. "I'm fabulous. How are you?" I stared intently at my desk. "I'm good. What's new?" She scoffed. "Mr. Cool Guy, huh? You must be so mad at me."

     "Listen to me. If you turn yourself in, I can help you," I confessed. No matter how much I hated it, Barbara still had a special spot in my heart, even if things have changed. She scoffed again. "How, Jim? By taking me back to Arkham? I don't think so," she said.

     "You're sick," I said. I know she hated that, but it was true. She was sick and needed help. "Of course. Everything's always my fault. So typical." I shook my head.

     "Listen to me. I know you, Barbara. I know you. You're a good, kind woman. This isn't you." She began to laugh. "You could always make me laugh." She began to laugh again, but it suddenly sounded as if it were here, in the precinct. I looked around and saw her at the front doors. How has no one noticed her?

     "How do I look?" She asked. I hung up and watched her walk out of her building. I quickly got up and followed her out. Once I was out, I saw her walk to the side of the building, into an alley. I ran after her and pulled my gun out. "Barbara!" I shouted once I was in the alley. I pointed the gun at her as she stopped. "Don't move!"

     She turned around and looked at me. "You're wrong about me, Jim. I tried telling you, but you never listen." I lowered my gun and put my hands up as if I was surrendering.

     "I'm listening now," I said. "Yeah, sure you are. Now." I brought my arms down. "Come on. Let's go talk this through, huh?"

     "Oh, it's too late for that," she said. I felt like something bad about as about to happen, but you never knew with Barbara. All of a sudden, I heard a man screaming. I looked up and saw one of the other escapees jumping off of the side of the building.

     He hit me when he landed and I fell to the ground. He grabbed me and punched me, then picked me up and rammed me into the side of the building. I fell to the floor, but quickly began to get up. He pushed me back down, causing my gun to fly out of my pocket. I grabbed a pipe off of the floor and spun around and hit him in the head, but he didn't even fall.

     He just stared at me before saying, "Ow." I went to hit him again, but he grabbed my arm and punched me in the face. I fell to the ground and he got on top of me and started punching me over and over and over and over again.

     "Aaron," Barbara said, finally getting him to stop. "That's enough." He let go of me and backed up. Barbara walked over to me and sat on top of me, causing pain to shoot through my body. "I'm not sick, I'm free. You don't get that. I could explain it, but you should probably get back to work. Who knows what went wrong when you were gone?" She faked a gasp and then kissed me on the forehead.

     When she sat back up, there was blood all over her mouth. She jumped up and strutted off, the brute following her. As she walked away, my vision went blurry and I let the darkness take me.


     I opened my eyes and immediately felt pain. The memories of what happened came back to me and I grabbed my gun and sat up. I used all of my might to stand up, and used the wall to help me stay upright.

     When I walked back into the precinct, I saw bodies everywhere. I looked around and saw a couple people helping others. One of them just happened to be Lee. "Lee!" I shouted causing her to look at me over her shoulder and stand up. "Jim!" She shouted, running to me.

     "You hurt?" I asked as I put my gun away. She began to look around. "No, I was in my office and I heard gunfire, and I hid. Where were you?" She asked.

     "Barbara was here. She lured me away. Essen!" I shouted, seeing a group of people around something. I ran up and pushed two people away and saw that Essen was laying down and bleeding from her side. She was crying and looking around in fear. Lee checked her pulse before looking at me and shaking her head.

     I bent down so Essen could hear me. "Hang on, Cap. Hang on," I said. "Boss. Boss. Stay with me. Breathe," I begged as she slowly turned to me. "It's a new day, Jim."

     Then, her head lulled to the side and she was gone.

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