True Colors

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     You ran up to your room with the dress. Once you were there, you closed the door and locked it. You threw the dress and heels on a chair and ran to the bed. Jerome was still sleeping, even though you had been gone for almost 3 hours.

     "Jerome," you whispered, shaking him. He began to stir, but still wasn't up. "Jerome!" You said, shaking him harder. "What?" He groaned. "Get up now. It's an emergency." He opened his eyes and looked at you. Once he saw that you were serious, he sat up.

     "Is this about earlier? Cause if it is, I'm really sorry. I overreacted-" You shook your head. "No. Earlier isn't important. I mean it is, but not right now!" You whisper-shouted. "Listen, Theo is planning on throwing you and I back in Arkham," you said. He looked at you with narrowed eyes. "What?" He asked.

     You groaned. "There's a reason why everybody has been dying. Dobkins wasn't shot by an officer, Theo had Tabs do it. He wasn't mad that Greenwood died cause he was gonna do it sooner or later, it made it look better for him that you did it! Aaron disappeared because Theo had him somehow get captured or killed, I don't know yet!" He looked at you with wide eyes.

     "That son of a bitch!" He shouted. "When do we leave?" He asked. "Tomorrow. Tabs said that he has the whole place guarded, so we can't get out. She said she's gonna help us get out tomorrow-"

     "I'm afraid that's not gonna happen," a voice said from the door. You and Jerome both stiffened before slowly turning to the door. You saw that Theo was there, and he had Tabitha with a knife to her throat.

     "You see, that was the original plan, but you two are smarter than you seem. I might keep you two around," he said, chuckling. You and Jerome were both glaring at Theo. "Why did you really break us out of Arkham? Just so you could become mayor?" Jerome began. "Or just to make yourself feel powerful?"

     Theo began chuckling. "Oh, Jerome. Isn't that why you kill people? Because it makes you feel powerful? Or do you just do it for the attention?" Jerome shrugged. "Both are pros of the situation."

     "So this was all just one big setup? You broke us out just to what? Throw us back in? Seems like a waste, doesn't it?" You asked, crossing your arms. "What were you gonna do with Barbara?" You asked.

     He shook his head. "My sister and I have come to like Barbara. We're gonna let her live, stay with us if she pleases. You two, though. You two might be a problem."

     "Whaddya gonna do, kill us?" Jerome asked. Theo shook his head. "Oh no. I still need you both for tomorrow. So here's the plan. Tomorrow, you two and Tabitha will go and pay Mr. Cicero a little visit-"

     "My dad?" Jerome interrupted. Theo nodded. "Yes, your father. There, you guys will plants maps of Arkham and letters in Braille in between Mr. Cicero and Jerome. The police will then think that your father broke everybody out. After that, you will both go to the gala. Jerome will be the magician and Y/N a civilian. After that, you guys will come back, and we will discuss what happens next.

     "You both have to know, I wasn't lying when I said you two would be stars, it's just, I, too, would like to be one. We have to figure out how to make all of us happy."

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