Not Fair

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     You laid in your bed alone. Theo made Jerome leave the room so you two couldn't do anything during the night. You couldn't sleep at all. Just the thought of what Theo could do haunted your mind.

Like we said, kill the bastard! He just wants to hurt you and Jerome!

Kill him before he kills you! You know that not all of you are going to be making it out of this alive.

     You laid there in horror. How could you both be so dumb and naive!? You both should have seen this coming! The man's ego is almost as big as his ears!

     You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of your door opening. You pretended to be asleep, not wanting to deal with Theo if it was the backstabbing man.

     "Princess?" You opened your eyes at the sound of Jerome's voice. You released a breath you didn't realize you were holding and sat up. "Yeah, ginger?" He quietly closed your door and walked over to the side of your bed. "I couldn't sleep," he confessed. "Neither can I."

     "Is it alright if I sleep in here?" He asked. You giggled. "What if mean ole' Theo finds us?" You joked. He scoffed. "That asshole doesn't scare me." You giggled before scooting over.

Jerome crawled in next to you and pulled you close. He was looking into your eyes with his arm draped around your waist. "I love you, Y/N. I know I've been a huge dick lately, but I do love you. We've been through so much together, even if I only remember very little of it. I just thought that you should know that you are the only thing that matters to me. Without you, I don't think there would be a Jerome Valeska. You are a part of me. You're more important to me than my own heart," he confessed.

You looked at him with tears glistening in your eyes. "I love you, too, handsome. You are so much to me. You are my light, my darkness, my air, my sun, my moon, my everything. You are the reason that I have became who I really am. Jerome Valeska, you created me."

He pulled you in and kissed you. It wasn't rough or sloppy, it was sweet and gentle. You smiled into the kiss. "Your lips taste good," You joked. He raised and eyebrow, smirking at you. "Would you like seconds?" He asked. You nodded. "That's an offer I can't say no to."

He pulled you in and kissed you again. You pulled him close and bathed in his warmth. You felt his abs through his shirt and giggled. Jerome pulled away smiling. "I have an idea," he said, smiling wide. "What?" You asked. Jerome didn't answer and continued to smile widely at you. "Jerome?" You asked. He began to crawl over to you. "What are you doing?"

Suddenly, he jumped on top of you. "Jerome!" You shouted. You felt his fingers dance along your skin as he tickled you. You felt the laughter bubbling up inside of you. "J!"

You felt the laughter burst out of you like a bubble popped inside of you. He continued to tickle you until you began gasping for air. "J-Jerome! Jerome, stop! I-I can't breathe!" You gasped out. He stopped and laid back laughing.

     You giggled as you watched him wrap his arms around his stomach and rolled around laughing. "That was not fair! You know I'm ticklish!" You said, still laughing. Jerome waited until he stopped laughing to respond. "Oh honey, we both know I don't play fair."

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