Hiding Behind a Mask

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You walked into the gala alone. Theo decided that you should come in later than him so people weren't suspicious. He had you wearing a masquerade mask around your face, so no one would recognize you, and you wouldn't draw attention.

Cause a woman walking around with a mask on won't draw attention...

Your mask was red and black to go with your dress and shoes. The show was supposed to start in about 30 minutes, so you had time to walk around.

You walked up to a table that was filled with little snacks. You grabbed a piece of pineapple and stuck it into your mouth. While you were chewing, you looked around and saw that many people showed up. You knew the real reason they did is because they didn't want to seem poor. They wanted to show off their cash.

"Hello," Somebody said, causing you to spin around. You saw that it was Lee Thompkins. This caused you to smirk. "Hello," you said, using a fake jersey accent. "I'm Lee Thompkins," she said, sticking her hand out to shake. You shook it, not wanting to seem rude and blow your cover. "I haven't seen you around Gotham, have I? It's hard to tell with the mask." She began giggling.

You giggled and shook your head. "I'm sorta new to the city," you confessed. She nodded. "Who exactly are you?" She asked. You chuckled. "I would tell ya, but that would ruin the surprise. Let's just say, I'm part of the show." She smiled at you. "Oh! You must be here with the magician." You nodded.

"That's great!" She exclaimed. "Anyways, I must be getting back to the other guests. Somebody has to keep he people of Gotham under control. Everybody's a little cautious with those Arkham escapees still lose."

You felt your back stiffen before you nodded your head. "Oh, I've heard about that. Those horrid monsters must be caught." She shrugged. "If I'm being honest, the girl, Y/N, seems like she could get better. I've meant her and her boyfriend, they're both just lost. It's just Y/N is closer to the path than he is. He might be a little, too deep into the forest."

You looked at her with shock. "Well, I must be going," she said. You recomposed yourself. "Oh yes. It was nice meeting you!" You said. She nodded. "Likewise." And with that, she walked away.

     You continued to walk around and get strange looks from people. Well, if there was somebody walking around with a mask on, you'd look at them weird, too. You weren't paying attention, and accidentally bumped into someone.

     "Hey!" You gasped as the other person stumbled. You grabbed their arm and pulled them up. "Sorry for that," you apologized, going back to the accent. You looked up and saw that you bumped into a boy that looked a couple years younger than you. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes and was standing with an older man. After a second, you realized who he was and smirked.

     "Bruce Wayne....."

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