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     Lee began groaning as she began to wake up. She slowly opened her eyes and began to wake up. "Yoo hoo," you sang. She slowly began to look at you, shaking her head so her vision would focus.

     You waved as she stared at you. "Hiya!" You exclaimed, dropping your jersey accent. You skipped over to Lee and leaned down. "Y-Y-You're Y/N, aren't you?" She gasped out. You smirked before taking your mask off. "Boo," You said before giggling. "Told ya I was part of the show!"

     "Jim's gonna stop-" you put a finger up to stop her as you heard gunfire. You smiled and put your hand down. "That's our cue! Let's get this party started!"

     You let the men drag Lee to the stage as you slowly walked behind. You decided to play around and put your mask back on. You stood by the side of the stage as they tied Lee to the spinning board.

     You watched as Jerome took his fake beard and mustache off, causing everybody to gasp. "Hola!" He exclaimed, laughing at everybody's shock. You began to laugh, causing him to look at you. He smirked and walked over to you, grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the stage.

     Everybody cried out, thinking you were a poor helpless hostage. He stood you in front of him and began to run his hands along your arms. "Hello, gorgeous! I'm Jerome." You pretended to shake in fear, fooling the crowd.

     "And to whom do I owe the pleasure?" He asked. "A-Amelia," you cried out. He chuckled. "I like you. You're sooo much better than my girlfriend." You turned around and punched him in the shoulder. "Rude!"

     Jerome chuckled before spinning you around so you were facing he crowd. You saw that everybody was looking at you in confusion, causing you to smile. Jerome grabbed your mask and yanked it off. "Surprise!" You both shouted, doing jazz hands.

     The crowd began to cry, but some of the workers shot their guns to the sky, causing them to quiet down. "Jerome!" One of the workers called. He held up the phone that Lee was using to speak with Jim. Jerome smirked and grabbed the phone.

     He waved the phone in Lee's face. "This yours?" She shook in fear, but ignored him. Jerome began going through the phone. "What's Jim's number?" He asked. "I'll never tell you," she spat.

     You walked up and showed him the number she was previously talking to. "She was talkin' with them before we got her." Jerome nodded and dialed the number.

     Jerome put the phone on speaker before walking to the front of the stage. You followed him to join in on the fun. "Lee! Thank god! I've been-"

     "Sorry, Jimbo," Jerome shouted, cutting him off. "It's just little old me-" "And me!" You piped up. "Jerome. Y/N," Jim growled. "Are you outside?" Jerome asked. "You are aren't you?" He began to chuckle. "Oh goody!"

     "I swear to god, if you've hurt her," he threatened. You rolled your eyes. "Breathe, James. I haven't touched a hair on your pretty girlfriend's head," Jerome said. You thwacked him in the head, causing him to glare at you.

     "See for yourself," he instructed, walking over to Lee. "This is live television after all," you pointed out. You and Jerome started making hand motions at her. Jerome acted as if he shot her in the head and her brains blew out. You pretended to slit her throat, smiling at the camera the whole time.

     "You son of a bitch," he growled. "True, but not the point. Hey, let's talk about what we want," Jerome said, stepping over a body. "Excuse me. $47,000,00, a helicopter-" You rolled your eyes. "Obviously." He smirked at you. "The dry cleaning I left at Mr. Chang's, be careful, the man is a crook, and, I don't know..." he trailed off.

     You skipped over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "What about that thing we've been talkin' 'bout?" He smiled at you then turned back to the camera. "A pony! Uh, you got ten minutes or we start killing people. Remember, this is being broadcast to every home in Gotham, so, you know, don't let people die. Bye," he said before laughing.

     He laughed at the phone in front of the camera before standing up and completely stopping. He turned to you with a blank face. "I think that went well." All of a sudden, a deep voice interrupted you, causing everybody to turn to him.


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