Daddy and Son Day

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You heard the sound of the door opening and then the clicking of the walking stick as the man walked into the apartment. He closed the door behind him and took a couple steps into the room before stopping. "Who's there?" He called out. "I know someone's there!" Tabitha walked up behind him and wrapped her whip around his neck, causing him to gasp.

     Jerome walked over to Mr. Cicero. "Hiya, Pops. Long time, no see," he said, chuckling. You watched the man's eyes widen. You walked over to Jerome and smirked. "How's it hangin', Mr. C?"

     "Grab that chair," Tabitha ordered. You nodded and brought it over. She pushed Mr. Cicero onto it and tied him down. She grabbed a piece of cloth out of her pocket and wrapped it around his mouth.

     Jerome grabbed a chair and sat down while you stood beside him. "So," Jerome started. "How you doing? Ah, silent treatment, eh? Here, I'll tell you a story."

     Jerome paused to think before perking up. "Ah! You remember Kansas City, dad? The circus went through town every spring, right around my birthday. There was this guy. Him and my mom used to drink and fornicate and beat the crap outta me. They would make a whole night out of it." You frowned at what he was saying. You were so glad that you and Jerome killed his mother and your father. There wasn't a place for them on Earth.

     "And I remember one time," he continued, standing up. You turned around and saw Tabitha walking towards the fridge. "It was my ninth birthday. Him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break. Anyway, hm..." he trailed off, picking up a knife. "I was outside the trailer, and you were there. And you said, "Why are you crying, Jerome?"

     "It's my birthday, and my mom and the snake guy are beating me," he said in a little boy voice. You heard something being thrown behind you. You turned and saw that Tabby was throwing things out of the fridge. "And then you said, "This world doesn't care about you or anybody else, Jerome. Better to realize that now." He turned towards his father. "And that was it. Well, you see, there's this guy, dad. He believes in me! He believes in Y/N! He thinks we're gonna be stars!"

     You froze at what he was saying. He was going along with Theo's plan. He was actually trusting the guy again. "And tonight, all of Gotham will see that, too. Except for you, cause you'll be, ya know, dead," he said as he took the cloth off of Mr. Cicero's mouth.

     "Jerome-" Mr. Cicero said before Jerome cut him off. "Oh, is this the part where you say how sorry you are? Hm? How you should have believed in me? How it's not too late to start again? News flash, dad, it's too late," he growled as he grabbed his face.

     "You don't have to do this," he tried to beg. You rolled your eyes. "No. I'm pretty sure I do." You walked over to them slowly. "I was a bad father, but I did love you. To kill me for that-" Jerome cut him off by laughing. "It's not why I'm gonna kill you!" He confessed, walking over to the table.

     Jerome picked up a blueprint of Arkham and showed the blind man as if he could see them. "Plans to Arkham Asylum." He threw it onto the floor and picked up a bunch of letters. "And look at these." He rolled his eyes and walked over to Paul and hit him on the head with them. "Letters between you and your troubled son. Innocent at first glance, but Detective Gordon- You remember him, right? He'll feel little bumps," he said, rubbing he letters across the man's face. "A secret message, written in Braille, between you and your son discussing my escape! Discussing how I can't escape without my beloved Y/N, and how you'll need to break out a couple others so they won't know it was you!"

     Jerome walked back over to the table while you leaned against the blind fortune teller. You gasped when you felt the letters rain down on you and the former circus member. Jerome picked up a can of something. "Finally, the knockout gas used to disable the orderlies. Cause you see, dad, this guy I was talking about," he said as he grabbed a chair and dragged it over to the two of you and sat down. "He's the one that broke me and Y/N out of Arkham. He doesn't want anybody to know about that, obviously. So, the police will find these letters.

     "They'll think, "the blind, old, fool really loved his son. What a wonderful father!" There won't be a dry eye in the house!" He exclaimed as he pretend to dry his eyes with the cloth that was around Mr. Cicero's mouth. "They'll never believe it," Mr. Cicero's said.

     "Ah, sure they will. Cops are dumb," Jerome argued. You watched as Tabitha walked over to you guys. "There's nothing to eat in this dump. Finish up and let's go." You smirked. "Patience, Tabby. It's a family reunion!"

     "Sorry you're gonna miss my big night, dad. But, hey, you're psychic! So, tell me, do I kill?" He asked. "You will be a curse upon Gotham! Children will wake from sleep, screaming at the thought of you! Your legacy will be death and madness. As for you, Y/N, you're not any better. You will bring sorrow and evil to everything you touch. You will destroy all that is good in Gotham."

     You turned to Jerome smiling and saw he was doing the same. Jerome leaned in to Mr. Cicero's face. "Ha ha ha," he said, pronouncing his laughter. "Well, say hi to mom for me!" You jumped up. "Ooh! And daddy, too!"

     Jerome raised the knife to stab his father, but was stopped by a knocking on the door. He paused and put his hand over the man's mouth. "GCPD!" Jerome put his finger to his mouth as if to tell him to shhh.

     Jerome pointed to the window as the man spoke again. "GCPD! Mr. Cicero, it's Detective Gordon!" You smiled when you heard it was Jim. Oh, how much fun you and Jerome would have with him! "Mr. Cicero!?"

     You watched Jerome as he silently waved at his father and stabbed him in the eye. The Man let out a grunt before his head lulled back. You followed Tabitha and Jerome as they ran to the window. "Mr. Cicero!?" Jim called again.

     Jerome helped you onto the side of the building before looking around. You saw a window that would let you guys into the hallway. You looked in and saw Jim and Harvey run into the apartment. You pointed to the window and smirked. "Wanna have some fun?"


     I've decided to post more throughout the week, so here ya go! Also, today is the one month mark of Jerome's death. R.I.P. to the best ginger that ever had a chance to torture the people of Gotham😭😭💕


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