Somewhat of A Heart

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You walked into the common room. Dr. Hentern, or Dr. Tristen, as she told you to call her, finally let you go back to join the others. Your arm still hurt like a bitch from Greenwood biting a chunk of it off. Fucked up, right?

     You walked in and saw that everybody was at the table, except for Jerome. You rolled your eyes and went and sat down. Once you sat down, everybody looked up at you in shock. "Miss me?" You asked sarcastically. "You're alive," Sionis said in a monotone voice. You rolled your eyes. "Really!? I couldn't tell."

     You looked at Greenwood and smirked. His nose was bandaged, and he had bruises all over his face. "Hi Greenwood! How've ya been?" You asked. He just growled, causing you to chuckle. You turned back to Sionis. "Where's Jerome?" You asked. He nodded to a table diagonal from yours. You looked at saw he was chatting and laughing with a girl. Ruby. "He's been hanging with the new girl ever since the fight." He shrugged. You scrunched your face up in distaste. "Whatever," you growled, going to stand up.

     Once you stood up, Richard grabbed you by your wrist. "You're jealous," he pointed out. You rolled your eyes. "No. I'm mad that my dipshit boyfriend has the balls to talk to another girl, while I'm dealing with the fact that Greenwood just ate a piece of my arm!" You shouted at the end. Everybody went quiet, and you looked around seeing everybody was looking at you and Richard, including Jerome. Richard must have noticed, too, because he stood up and motioned you to follow him. "Come with me," he said, dragging you by your wrist. You looked around and saw nobody was paying attention to you guys, except for Jerome, who looked beyond pissed.

You looked away from him and continued to follow Sionis. You and Sionis never really talked, but you trusted the guy, for some odd reason.

     Sionis led you to a empty hallway, before turning back to you. "What's wrong with you?" He asked. You glared at him and scoffed. "Oh, I don't know. Ask the doctors! They think there's plenty wrong with me!" You grinned. He rolled his eyes. "Come on. Be serious," he demanded.

     You groaned. "Fine. It's just that having to deal with the fact that I have a chunk of my arm missing, is kinda hard, and I was kind of hoping somebody would be there for me, but no one was," You mumbled. Sionis looked you up and down before looking at you again. "No offense honey, but this is Arkham Asylum. Home of the most craziest, nastiest, and most ruthless people in Gotham. There are very few people that actually care," he replied bluntly. You frowned at the ground. "But lucky for you, I actually have somewhat of a heart. If you need anything, come to me," he said, rubbing your arm. You opened your mouth to speak, but somebody from behind you pulled you away.

     "That won't be happening, but thanks for the offer!" The person said. You immediately knew it was Jerome. Richard looked at him, then at you, then back at Jerome before walking away.

     When you both knew Sionis was gone, Jerome turned to you. "What the fuck was that!?" He shouted. You looked at him and rolled your eyes and started walking away. "Where are you going!?" He yelled, following you. You felt tears prick your eyes, but you still ignored him. "Y/N!" He shouted, finally causing you to snap.

     You turned around, tears now flowing down your cheeks. "I'm going to our friends! To Richard, since he seems to be the only guy that actually gives a fuck about me!" You shouted. "What do you mean?" He asked angrily. "Where were you, Jerome? Where were you when I was in the infirmary for a fight you caused!? Where were you when I was released!? Oh wait, that's right! You were fucking around with Miss. Ruby Let Me Get Into Your Pants Jameson! And you sure as hell didn't seem to give any fucks about me! I'm missing a chunk of my arm because I didn't want to disappoint you or make you seem weak! I killed my dad for you! I killed your mom for you! And what do I get!? A big Welcome to Arkham, now bye bye!

     "I went through hell and back for you Jerome. I've given my life up twice for you. All I have ever wanted was you, and you can't even find the time to make sure I'm ok!" You shouted. You looked up at Jerome and saw him looking at you with wide eyes, and his jaw dropped. You scoffed before turning around. "I'll see ya later, J."

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