Detective Gordon

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     You stood by the window and waited for the detectives to come out. You were staring at your nails, but looked up at the sound of something dragging. You looked up and saw Jim dragging an unconscious Harvey out, causing you to smile.

     You saw Jim looked pale and he was panting. Jerome began walking over to the men, whistling. "Detective Gordon, old pal, that gas sure packs a wallop, huh?" Jim tried to hit Jerome with his gun, but Jerome caught his arm and pried the gun out of his grip. "That's cute." Jim leaned onto Jerome and Jerome began petting his hair.

     You walked up and leaned onto your knees. "You okay, Jimmy? You ain't lookin' so good." Jim's eyes widened at the sight of you before he  used all of his strength to push Jerome into the wall.

     Jim had his hands around Jerome's neck, causing him to struggle to breath. "I'm sensing anger," Jerome said. "You killed Sarah Essen, now I'm gonna kill you," Jim grunted. "Mm-hmm," Jerome said, chuckling. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.

     "That ole' bag? Is that the whole reason that you're actually trying to capture us! Uh-oh. Looks like Lee had a little bit of competition. Maybe she's glad we offed the hag," you thought out loud. Jerome continued to chuckle before raising his gun to the Detective.

     "Don't shoot him," Tabitha ordered. You saw Jim look at her in confusion. The moment of weakness gave Jerome an opportunity to hit him in the head. Jim fell back while Jerome began to sit up again. "How about a little flesh wound?"

     "No, no," Tabitha ordered. "My dibs." She kicked him in the head, causing him to pass out. You began laughing. "Did you see how scared he was once he saw you with your face covered!? Priceless!"

     Jerome stood up and put his arm around you. Tabitha looked at him with anger in her eyes. "Why were you talking about the boss like that? Like he actually cares about you two?" She growled with anger.

     Jerome rolled his eyes. "He told us that if we did that, he'd let us go. All of us go." Tabitha stared at him before walking away. He groaned before turning to you. "Are you mad at me?" You shrugged before walking off. "Really!?" He called out in frustration, making you smirk.


     You were curling your hair when there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. You heard the door open and then shut behind whoever entered. "Doll?" Jerome called out. "Bathroom!" You shouted to him.

     He walked into the bathroom and leaned against the sink. You continued to do your hair while Jerome just watched you. After a couple minutes, you turned to him. "That story you were tellin' earlier, that's the one you told me at the circus," you pointed out.

     Jerome smiled at you and nodded. "It was. Just thought I should remind him what a piece of shit he was before he died," he said, shrugging. You nodded. You guys fell silent again until he sighed.

     He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. "Are you still mad at me?" He asked. You raised an eyebrow at him through the mirror. "Mad? Why would I be mad?" He groaned. "Because I went along with Theo's plan without asking you."

     You shook your head. "I don't care. Whatever you thought would help us, I agree with. And now that we went along with it, we get to leave tonight!" He smiled at you. "Are you excited?" He asked. "I could actually explode right now. All we have to do is get through with tonight and then we're free!" You exclaimed.

     "I should go get ready," he said, causing you to groan. He chuckled before gently kissing the back of your neck. You felt shivers run down your spine. "I love you, baby girl," he said. You turned around and gently kissed his lips. "I love you, too, handsome."

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