Author's Note

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     So I've been getting a lot of people asking if I'm going to include Jerome's death and his face being cut of and that whole situation. At first, I wasn't going to post anything because I didn't want to spoil, but I think you guys are probably catching on to the hints I drop here and there. And if you haven't, that's because I've been posting very few and there's more in later chapters.

     So, the "Take Me Back" series (This series) follows Gotham. All of the events are the same that happened in the show, except for events that weren't in the show because Jerome wasn't in it, or I just wanted to add that little oomf.

     So, basically what I'm saying is, yes, Jerome will die, and yes, his face will be cut off. I have been very busy writing and have actually finished the third book, and began the fourth. And let me tell you guys, a lot is going down. The third book is almost 80 chapters, and the fourth will also be longer... I think. When I begin to post chapters from the third book, I'm going to be posting more frequently because Jerome doesn't appear alive until later. *Wink Wink*

     Also, even after all of the rumors and the very big possibility of Jerome dying in tonight's episode, (4x18. This was written before the episode aired.) I am going to continue all of my Jerome books. Including, this series, my imagines book, and another goody I have that I'm going to talk about.

     I am also working on another Jerome book. This one follows parts of the story, but is mostly mine. Although, this book isn't Jeromexreader. I think you guys are going to like this one, as it's a little bit darker than the series I am currently writing. Thank you all for reading, and I hope you all are enjoying the story so far!!! If you have any more questions, please ask and I'll see what I can do without giving too much away.


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