New Plans

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     You once again woke up in Jerome's arms. You don't remember falling asleep, but you sure did remember everything else. Him tickling you, you both staying up and talking, and just being there with each other.

     You turned around so you were facing Jerome. You loved watching him while he slept. It sounded weird, but he looked so relaxed, like everything you guys went through, and are going through, is all a dream. A thought that grew into a story.

     You don't know how long you sat there before he began to stir. You smiled watching him groan and mumble things to himself. Slowly, his eyes began to open. He looked around before they settled on you. He smiled at you. Not a creepy, evil smile. A real sincere smile. "Good morning," he said with a raspy voice. You smiled up at him. "Good morning."

     He leaned down and kissed you on the lips. "How did you sleep?" He asked. You nodded. "I slept... good. How about you?" He nodded at you. "I slept pretty well, actually."

     "I bet you did. I didn't hear any crying or moaning coming from you having nightmares," a voice said. You both shot up and saw Theo standing by the door. "Good morning to you both. I can see that you both went against my wishes and snuck in here. Well..." he began. You could tell he was mad, but you didn't care what he was gonna do. Out of nowhere, he smiled. "I like that. You two don't care what people tell you to do. All you care about is each other. Bold."

     He clasped his hand behind his back and began walking towards you two. "As you both know, Tabitha will be taking you both out today to go see Mr. Cicero. I have a deal for you both." Jerome raised an eyebrow at him. "What could you possibly give us?" He asked sassily.

     Theo smirked at him. "Your freedom." You and Jerome both tensed up before looking at each other. You nodded at him before he turned back to Theo, causing you to look at the man, too. "We're listening."

     Theo began pacing back and forth in front of the bed, just like he did when he first broke everybody out. "Well, you see, if you guys keep putting up the act that you have been, we could work something out. All you need to do is, first, if you're gonna tell your father anything about, don't say my name. Saying my name will put a bump into our plan on making you guys stars."

     "Wait," Jerome said, raising his hand. "You're still gonna make us stars?" He asked. Theo chuckled. "I promised you both I would, and I keep my promises. Plus, it shouldn't be that hard. You both were born to be stars. I'll admit, I messed it up with the original plan, but that's not what we're doing anymore. We're a team. You two and Barbara were saved for a reason."

     You and Jerome stared at him in shock. You wanted to believe him, and a part of you did. You looked at Jerome and saw that he felt the same way.

Don't do it. Don't be so dumb like you were the last time! He's lying!

Be smarter than this, girl! You can't trust anybody. He's stabbed you in the back multiple times!

     You shook your head. But he wanted to make you guys stars, and that is what you and Jerome were meant to be. Stars.

     "Keeping going," You said, motioning for him to continue. "Also, you both will be there tonight at the gala as I told you, you would be. If all goes as planned, I'll let you both go. You could stay if you want, come and go as you please, or just leave. It's your guys's choice," he said.

     You couldn't believe what you were hearing. He's gonna let you go!? You looked at Jerome and saw him staring at the floor with his eyebrows furrowed. He looked at Theo. "We'll let you know after the gala." Theo nodded and smiled. "That's fine with me. You guys should probably start getting ready, Tabitha is waiting. So is your father!"

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