Turn of Events

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You stalked up to the front of the stage and smiled. "You all know and love, poor rich boy, parents murdered in an alley, and my favorite volunteer! Where is Bruce Wayne!?" Jerome shouted.

The crowd grew silent as everybody looked for the rich boy. "You know I'm an orphan, too, Bruce? So is my lovely girlfriend." He motioned to you, causing you to wave. "We killed our parents though," you announced.

"Where are you hiding?" Jerome hissed as he began to walk around and look for him in the crowd. "Bruce!" He shouted. "Where are ya, buddy!?" You smiled as an idea popped into your head. "Kill his butler," you suggested.

Jerome motioned to the men to bring Alfred up. He stood there with one of Theo's men behind him, holding a gun up to him. "Alright, last chance, Bruce, but it's about to get very butler brainy out here," Jerome said. You saw Alfred look at you. "Please don't do this, Miss. Don't hurt the boy," he begged.

You giggled and slowly walked to him. "Well, ya see, if your boy isn't here in," You paused looking at your fake watch. "Ten seconds, I, personally, will blow your brains out." Alfred looked at you in horror. "I liked you a lot better with the mask." You smirked at him and leaned in close to his face. "And I liked you more when you were hiding behind a little boy."

You saw his shocked face, causing you to laugh hysterically. You continued to laugh as you walked back up to the stage. "Brucey!" Jerome sang into the mic.

Finally, after a couple minutes, Jerome waved his hand at Theo's men. "Eh, I'm bored. Shoot the butler." Suddenly, Bruce ran out from behind one of the curtains. "Stop!" He shouted, running up to the butler. Jerome smiled and started walking to the men.

You watched as Alfred grabbed Bruce and they began talking, but not loud enough for you to hear. You furrowed your eyebrows. Something was up, you could feel it.

Jerome ripped Bruce out of Alfred's grip and and put a knife to his throat. "Let's get this started, huh?" He dragged Bruce up to the stage. "You! Check behind the curtain! Make sure no one's playing silly buggers!" He began laughing.

You couldn't tear your eyes off of Jerome. You loved watching him do what makes him the happiest, and that just happened to be murdering people. His smile was always so big and his eyes had that spark in them.

You were forced to look away from him when you heard a gunshot. You looked to the noise and saw Jim walk out from behind the curtain, the man at his feet. All of a sudden, there were gunshots everywhere. You looked and saw that Alfred had somehow gotten a gun. How, you didn't know.

You ran to the cart and grabbed the real gun before turning back to the crowd. You looked around and saw that all of Theo's men were down. "How did they all die! There was literally two guys!" You shouted.

"Drop the knife!" Jim ordered, but Jerome only laughed. "I don't have a clean shot!" Jim shouted to Alfred. You saw the look of frustration on both of their faces. "Stay calm, Bruce," Alfred said. You and Jerome both began laughing.

"It seems like we've got ourselves a pickle. Whaddya say, Brucey Boy? Wanna boost our ratings?" Jerome turned the knife so the tip of it was against the boy's throat. He began laughing again. "Smile!"

"I said enough!" You heard someone shout. You turned and saw Theo. You looked at him in confusion. Jerome turned to him, clearly annoyed. Out of nowhere, Theo grabbed Jerome and stabbed him in the neck.



     There's only one chapter left!! Thank you all for sticking around and reading this story! Anyway, the third book will come out soon, since I have already finished it. I can't wait for you all to read it!!!


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