Get Them Back

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*Lee's P.O.V*

I stood in the crowd of police officers. I didn't realize how much of a threat these escapees actually were. Apparently, Jim wouldn't be the only one to take care of the job, they needed all the help they could get.

"You all know what we're facing here," Essen started. Essen was a lovely woman, but I could tell that the case was starting to get to her. "Forty-eight hours ago, seven criminally insane inmates were busted out of Arkham Asylum. Yesterday, five of those inmates broke into Yellen Shipyard, kidnapped seven workers, then dropped them off the roof of the Gotham Gazette. As of now, we still have no leads on the person or persons behind the breakout. Jim Gordon's lead. Jim."

I watched Jim look at Essen. "These are our targets," he said, walking over to a projector. This group of convicts has only been on the loose for less than a week, and they already have Gotham scared to death.

He turned on the machine and an image of Jerome Valeska came up. He was the boy that I helped Jim solve the case of his Mom's murder; the one he committed.

"Jerome Valeska, 18 years old, matricide and guilty of four other murders." He clicked to the next image. "Arnold Dobkins, schizophrenic, poisoner, rapist." I stared at the screen, shifting uncomfortably, as he turned to the next mugshot. "Aaron Helzinger. Killed his entire family with his bare hands."

I looked around as Jim turned the pictures once again. I saw that some of the officers were uncomfortable, but many looked unfazed. "Robert Greenwood. Killed, then ate, a dozen women." I looked down in disgust. Who could eat another human being!? The next photo popped up and I sighed in sadness.

The mugshot of Y/N popped up. She was smiling and looked like she didn't have a care in the world. I thought that girl was good and couldn't have committed those crimes, but I guess I was wrong. "Y/N Y/L/N. Patricide and also guilty of four other murders, along with the murder of Lila Valeska, Jerome Valeska's mother." He clicked to the last photo.

I saw the woman that was once Jim's fiancé. I looked at him and saw him hesitate. "Barbara Kean, killed her parents." He turned the projector off and walked back up to Essen. "We're gonna work this is groups of four! I'll hand out assignments throughout the day. Alvarez is my coordinating officer. Any questions?" He stopped and looked around at everybody. "Let's get to work!" He shouted. "We have to get them back!"

I turned to walk back to my office. This case was really screwing with Jim and it was putting a dent in our relationship. I know it's because Barbara was a member of the group, but she has yet to show herself, unlike the rest of them, except for Richard Sionis, they found his body yesterday in the slumps of Gotham.

I feel so bad about this, but I don't have a clue on what I can do to help, so, once again, I'm on the sidelines watching Jim get to run all of the plays. Great. I guess we could only do one thing, and that was to get them back.

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