Perfect Teasing

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     "Thank god," You exclaimed as you fell to the ground. "That was so much work." You saw Greenwood's face pop up into your line of vision. "You did nothing, kid. You yelled at us as we dragged the guys up here," he growled. You quickly sat up, causing him to fall back. "Having to watch you pant and pant after three steps is enough work for me!" You yelled.

     Jerome chuckled as he jumped onto the side of the building. You guys were on the roof of the Gotham Gazette, about to throw these suckers off.

     "Let's get started," Jerome said. "Ready, M?" He asked. Greenwood threw the man to Aaron after he spray painted a "M" onto him. You giggled and hopped next to Jerome. Aaron pulled the man onto the side of the building. "Right there," Jerome ordered. Aaron huffed and pushed the man off of the side. You giggled as you watched him fall to the ground and heard his muffled scream. He landed with a crack!

     "Next!" Jerome shouted. You heard the sound of Greenwood spray painting him, then Aaron had him on the side of the building. He pushed him off and then it was the same sounds; screaming, crack. It went on like that for a couple minutes.

      You were having the time of your life. You loved this feeling and you couldn't remember why you didn't do this in your last life with Jerome. Actually, you couldn't remember a lot about your last life.

     You were snapped out of your thoughts by the sound of Jerome. "Perfect. Next!" He turned to look at the other guys. "Mister X." You turned around and saw him being thrown to Dobby and Aaron. Aaron threw him into the side of the building. "Uh, a little to the right," Jerome ordered, waving his hand for him to move so he would land in the right spot. "Ok, that's the spot."

Aaron shoved the guy and he did the same thing as all the others. You looked down and saw that the men were all surrounded by pools of blood. You giggled again. This was just so much fun!

By now, people were standing down there so every-time somebody would be thrown off, they would scream, but they didn't do anything of course. ""Perfect," Jerome whispered. "What shall we do with the spare?" Dobkins asked. You all turned to the man. Jerome turned back and you could see a look of frustration on his face. After a second, he lit up with an idea. "Ooh!" He exclaimed as he swung his legs around and and sat there for a second. "I know." He jumped up and walked over to Greenwood.

You watched with curiosity as to what your boyfriend had planned. He took the spray paint from Greenwood and began to use it on the man. Once he moved, you saw that it was an exclamation mark. You smiled. Jerome turned around, smiling. "Aaron," he said as he threw the can to the side. "Would you kindly?" He asked.

Aaron picked the man up above his head and you turned to see Dobkins jumping up and down laughing. Everybody leaned over the side of the building, watching the man fall. "Maniax," Aaron said slowly. Jerome chuckled. "Now that's a headline." You and him both began laughing.


You sat in your room. You were finally aloud to change out of those horrid uniforms and it felt good to finally be out of them. You had just taken a shower and you were now resting. You had on a tank top and some very short shorts.

Theo and Tabitha had been treating you good. Tabitha, Babs, and you were gonna go shopping in about an hour, so you were just resting.

You looked up when you heard a knock on your door. You saw Jerome walk in. He was in a white shirt and jeans and had his hair slicked back, but you could tell that the one piece of hair would be in his face soon enough. "Hi, princess," he greeted. "Hi," you said, smiling. Jerome came and laid next to you in the bed. "Today was fun," he said. You nodded. "I've never felt so free! Why didn't I do this last time?" You asked, causing him to laugh.

After a second, his laughter stopped all of a sudden. "Doll, have you been... forgetting stuff lately?" He asked. You cocked your head to the side. "Like what?" You asked. He shrugged. "Stuff from our last lives." You inhaled sharply, but then nodded. "I barely remember anything. It happened so quickly." He sat up. "But did it really? We've been back for almost a year, and I just now noticed that I've been forgetting. Have we just not noticed it?" He asked. "I don't know, J."

You guys sat there before and idea popped into your head. You smiled. "Jerome?" You asked. "Hm." He looked up to you. You stood up and walked to your closet. You let your hips sway and made sure that most of your ass was out. You heard him inhale sharply, but pretended not to.

"I have to go shopping later with Tabs and Babs. Can you help me pick something out?" You asked. You looked over your shoulder at him. You pretended not to see his eyes jump from your ass to your face. You batted your eyelashes at him. "Yeah, of course," he said. You began jumping up and down. "Thank you, baby!"

You stood on your tip toes and grabbed a box from the top. You opened it and saw that it was full of jewelry. You closed it, not wanting to wear that much today. "How about a crop top and jeans? Does that sound good?" You asked. "Uh-huh," he said. You grabbed some blue high waisted jeans, and a baby pink long sleeved crop top. You turned to Jerome. "Does this look good?" "Uhhh, yeah," he said. You rolled your eyes. "I'll ask Barbara. I'm pretty sure she's in Greenwood's room," you said, turning to walk out. You heard Jerome run over to you and pick you up. "That looks amazing. No need for you to go to Greenwood's room." He threw you onto the bed.

You sat up and looked at his face. You smirked. "Is somebody jealous?" You asked. He rolled his eyes. "No, I just don't feel like you need to go to his room." You giggled. "Maybe I should just go in this then." He shook his head. "No matter how good you look in that, nobody else has to know what your ass looks like." You giggled. "Awww. Was somebody staring at me?" You began to tease him. "Well, when you're wearing practically nothing, I'm gonna stare."

You crawled over to him and sat on his lap. "Ya know, I could be wearing a lot less than this," You said. He raised his eyebrows at you. He smirked then put his hands on your hips. "I think that can be rearranged." He slammed his lips onto yours and began kissing you furiously. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan. You slipped your hands under his shirt. He grabbed your thighs and laid back.

He spun you guys around so you were on the bottom. He took one of his hands and began to slide your shirt up.

You both jumped when there was a knock on your door. "Change of plans! We need to go now! Hurry up!" Tabitha ordered. You turned to Jerome and saw him smirking. He got up and walked to the door. "Until next time, my love." With that he walked out, closing the door behind him. You sat there in shock before finally getting dressed. Time to go shopping.

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