What Does That Spell!? Murder!

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     "Did we really have to wear these?" You whined. Jerome patted your lower back, causing you to look down at him. "Theo's orders. That man might be an evil genius, but he has a horrible sense of style," he said, causing you to giggle.

These outfits were horrendous. You guys had on jackets that resembled a straight-jacket, which you all hated, and the boys wore white jeans while you had on white leggings.

Greenwood groaned. "Will you two shut up? We're supposed to be looking for the bus." You glared at him. "The only things you look for is food, Greenwood." You sassed. He growled. "And I think I found it."

     Jerome put his hand out. "Stop," he said. Greenwood huffed before sitting back. You guys were currently in a Hest Oil truck that you guys stole. There was only enough room for three of the boys, so Dobkins was on the outside of the bus, but Jerome said you had to sit on his lap. You had no problem with that.

     "What's taking so long?" You whined again. Greenwood rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything. Jerome put his hands around his eyes and pretended that they were binoculars.

     "I spy with my little eye, something that is..." he said as he looked around. He looked out Aaron's window before putting his hands down. "Yellow." Everybody looked at where he was looking and smiled. You could hear the cheers from the bus.

"Yay Gotham!" Greenwood shouted as the bus passed the truck. You held onto Jerome as he put his feet down. He pointed at the bus, causing Aaron to turn the truck and follow it.

You guys followed the bus for a couple minutes before going a different route so you could catch up with it in a minute.

You guys were zooming down the street and honking, causing the bus to stop. Aaron pulled the truck in front of the bus so they couldn't leave. Aaron and Greenwood got out, while Dobby came around to hold the door for you and Jerome.

Jerome jumped out of the truck and began dancing towards the bus. You jumped out and turned to Dobkins. "Thank you," You said. He nodded.

Jerome knocked on the door and motioned the bus driver to open it with his gun, causing the people on the bus to scream. After a couple minutes, the driver finally opened the door. You and Jerome went onto the bus.

Jerome turned towards the driver and frowned. "Don't you know it's rude to keep people waiting?" The bus driver began to whimper, causing you to roll your eyes. "No answer? Well then," he said before he shot the driver. "That takes care of that problem. Doll, will you get Greenwood and Dobkins? They have the handcuffs." You nodded and called for the two boys.

They ran onto the bus and began handcuffing all of the cheerleaders. You smiled. "Ya know," you said loud enough for the whole bus to hear you. "When I was little, I wanted to be a cheerleader, but it's kind of hard when you travel with a circus with an abusive dad."

Jerome sighed before starting to walk up and down the isle as Greenwood and Dobkins got off of the bus. "I want you all to know this was a very difficult decision for us! It was between you and a senior citizens bingo party," he said as he put his gun up to a girls head, causing her to flinch.

He continued to the isle. "In the end, we decided to skew a little younger. Youth won the day! Sorry," he said. You looked at the cheerleaders and saw that a boy and a girl were cuddled up and crying. You walked and sat on the bench next to theirs.

They looked at you with fear all over their faces. You pointed at the two and smiled. "Are you two dating?" You asked. They ignored you and shook in fear. "I asked you a question," you growled. They both began nodding. "Yes," the boy said. You nodded and pointed at Jerome. "See the cute ginger? He's my boyfriend," you said. They looked at him and nodded. "Ain't he cute?" You asked. "Yes," the girl said.

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