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After your little chat with Barbara, you were called down to talk to your psychiatrist. When you got there you saw your bitch of a doctor. She was young, around 30, and had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore glasses. She looked nice enough, but looks can be deceiving. She was actually a total bitch. She was always pressing on and never letting you have a break. This was your first time seeing her since the day after you woke up, a couple days ago.

     The guards un-cuffed you and pushed you down into the chair. You rolled your eyes. "Please, roll your eyes again, maybe you'll find the answers to my questions back there," she said. Like you said, she's a bitch. "Nope!" You said, popping the "p". "But I definitely can see the many ways I want to kill you right now!"

     "Now, now, Miss, Y/L/N. No need to get feisty," she said. You scoffed. "Come on Miss. Q! You should know by now that I'm just normally feisty. And perfect," you said. She shook her head. "How has your life been since I last saw ya, Miss. Q?" You asked. She looked at you for a moment before sighing. "This session is about your life, not mine," she said. You shook your head. "I wanna be in an environment where I'm comfortable sharing, as is the other person," you said, smirking. She rolled her eyes.

     "Hey! See any answers back there?" You asked, making fun of her comment from earlier. She shook her head. "My life has been complicated," she finally caved in. "My daughter-" "You have a daughter!?" You asked. Who would fuck a bitch like her? She nodded. "Yes. She's a couple years younger than you. Anyway, she has recently been dating a boy; a rich boy. He's a bad influence. She needs somebody to talk to," she said.

     "I'll talk to her! What's her name. I could be an amazing influence on her!" You suggested. She shook her head rapidly. "No. Her names Harleen , but she doesn't need to be friends with a psycho." You glared at her. "That's a mean word, doc," you growled. She smirked at you. "The truth hurts." She shrugged. You growled again. "Don't you have questions you're supposed to ask me?" You spat. She rolled her eyes again.

"How have you been since waking up?" She asked, clearly not caring. "Just dandy," you said sarcastically. "You and Jerome did some real damage that day. Everybody said it was you two that started it," she said, raising her eyebrows. "Who knows what happened that day? Maybe it was Jerome and I, maybe it was Greenwood, maybe it was Sionis, hell, it could have even been you!" You said. She looked at you. "Y/N, everybody said it was you and Jerome. Even Sionis did," She said.

You groaned at the thought of those snitches. What assholes! "Everybody wanted to do it! It's just that me and Jerome are the only ones with enough balls to do it," you said. She just shook her head. "How are your injuries?" She asked. You rolled up your right sleeve and showed her your permanently damaged arm. "The cannibal tried to eat me," you said. She nodded. "I'm aware. It also said that you suffered from  some other injuries, such as a couple broken knuckles and a concussion." You nodded. "I'm better now, doc!" You said.

"It does say your knuckles are mostly heeled and your concussion is a lot better," she nodded. You smiled. "I feel better than ever!" She looked up at you from her papers. "What about Jerome?" She asked. You smirked at her. She loved to rub in your face how much you missed Jerome and how you two weren't talking, but she didn't know you guys were good now. "We're fine, Miss. Q!" You said. "No fights?" She asked. You shook your head before stopping and thinking. "The last time he made me scream was last night, in the janitors closet while we were-" she cut you off. "That is plenty enough, Y/N," she said. "How did you even get out of your cells?" You leaned forward. "Same way we got a condom," you winked. She shook her head.

"I think we're done for today, Y/N," she said, putting her papers away. You stood up and turned around. "I don't want to hear your voice anymore," she said, causing you to stop with your back to her. You turned to her and smiled sweetly. "One more nasty word, and there won't be a Harleen to worry about going out with those rich snobby asshats," you growled. Her eyes widened, causing you to giggle. "Have a nice day, doc! And tell Harls I said hi." And with that, you skipped out of the room.


     I'm so sorry I forgot to post yesterday! I had a lot of stuff going on and no time. Sorry everybody!


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